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Brightshade Bomb.png This is a high risk template.
Please think carefully before altering any source code, so as to avoid large-scale disruption. Any changes to this template should first be tested in its /sandbox.


This template is used to make an organized, standardized recipe layout with automatic links/icons. Full in-game item names should be used, as this will select the corresponding article and image.

  • Full syntax: {{Recipe|item1=|count1=|item2=|count2=|item3=|count3=|result=}}
  • Basic usage is as follows:
{{Recipe|item=Cut Grass|result=Rope}}
Inventory slot background.pngCut Grass.pngInterface arrow right.pngInventory slot background.pngRope.png
  • Typically, more than 1 of an item is needed:
{{Recipe|item=Cut Grass|count=3|result=Rope}}
Inventory slot background.pngCut Grass.pngInventory slot background.pngCut Grass.pngInventory slot background.pngCut Grass.pngInterface arrow right.pngInventory slot background.pngRope.png
  • This will also show a multiplier if a lot of an item is needed:
{{Recipe|item=Cut Grass|count=12|result=Straw Hat}}
Inventory slot background.pngCut Grass.png


Interface arrow right.pngInventory slot background.pngStraw Hat.png
  • Most recipes need several items:
{{Recipe|item1=Twigs|item2=Flint|result=Axe Tool}}
Inventory slot background.pngTwigs.pngInventory slot background.png Flint.pngInterface arrow right.pngInventory slot background.pngAxe Tool.png
  • And most recipes need more than one of each item:
{{Recipe|item1=Twigs|item2=Cut Grass|count2=2|result=Torch}}
Inventory slot background.pngTwigs.pngInventory slot background.png Cut Grass.pngInventory slot background.png Cut Grass.pngInterface arrow right.pngInventory slot background.pngTorch.png
  • The template supports up to 3 items (which is the most used in-game):
{{Recipe|item1=Jet Feather|count1=3|item2=Crimson Feather|count2=2|item3=Tentacle Spots|count3=2|result=Feather Hat}}
Inventory slot background.pngJet Feather.pngInventory slot background.pngJet Feather.pngInventory slot background.pngJet Feather.pngInventory slot background.png Crimson Feather.pngInventory slot background.png Crimson Feather.pngInventory slot background.pngTentacle Spots.pngInventory slot background.pngTentacle Spots.pngInterface arrow right.pngInventory slot background.pngFeather Hat.png
  • To make a page with lots of recipes less cluttered, you can use:
{{Recipe|item1=Jet Feather|count1=3|item2=Crimson Feather|count2=2|item3=Tentacle Spots|count3=2|result=Feather Hat|small=yes}}
Inventory slot background.pngJet Feather.pngInventory slot background.pngJet Feather.pngInventory slot background.pngJet Feather.pngInventory slot background.png Crimson Feather.pngInventory slot background.png Crimson Feather.pngInventory slot background.pngTentacle Spots.pngInventory slot background.pngTentacle Spots.pngInterface arrow right.pngInventory slot background.pngFeather Hat.png
  • It's also possible to specify this is a cooked item:
Inventory slot background.pngCorn.pngFire Pit.pngInventory slot background.pngPopcorn.png
  • It's also possible to specify this is a dried item:
{{Recipe|item=Fish Meat|result=Fish Jerky|dry=yes}}
Inventory slot background.pngFish Meat.pngDrying Rack.pngInventory slot background.pngFish Jerky.png
  • It's also possible to specify Crop Seeds obtained from a Birdcage:
{{Recipe|item=Corn|result=Corn Seeds|bird=yes}}
Inventory slot background.pngCorn.pngBirdcage.pngInventory slot background.pngCorn Seeds.png
  • It's also possible to specify Manure obtained from a Pig:
Inventory slot background.pngCorns.pngPig Icon.pngInventory slot background.pngManure.png
{{Recipe|item1=Eggplant|item2=Carrot|item3=Carrot|item4=Carrot|result=Stuffed Eggplant|pot=yes}}
Inventory slot background.pngEggplant.pngInventory slot background.png Carrot.pngInventory slot background.pngCarrot.pngInventory slot background.pngCarrot.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngStuffed Eggplant.png
  • Now we can easily express some kind of Food recipe like:
Inventory slot background.pngMeats.pngInventory slot background.png Filler.pngInventory slot background.png Filler.pngInventory slot background.png Filler.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngMeatballs.png1 or + Meats


{{Recipe|item1=Koalefant Trunks|item2=Potatoes|item3=OnionsSeeds|item4=Carrots|result=Snot Roast|pot=yes}}
Inventory slot background.pngKoalefant Trunks.pngInventory slot background.png Potatoes.pngInventory slot background.pngOnions.pngInventory slot background.pngCarrots.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngSnot Roast.png
  • If a recipe is exclusive to a another mod it can be expressed as:
{{Recipe|item1=Twigs|count1=3|item2=Rocks|count2=3|item3=Cut Grass|count3=6|result=Hammer|mod=Island Adventures}}
Inventory slot background.pngTwigs.pngInventory slot background.pngTwigs.pngInventory slot background.pngTwigs.pngInventory slot background.png Rocks.pngInventory slot background.png Rocks.pngInventory slot background.png Rocks.pngInventory slot background.pngCut Grass.png


Interface arrow right.pngInventory slot background.pngHammer.png
  • Similarly for recipes exclusive to characters:
{{Recipe|item1=Papyrus|count1=2|item2=Egg|count2=2|result=Birds of the World|character=Wickerbottom}}
Inventory slot background.pngPapyrus.pngInventory slot background.pngPapyrus.pngInventory slot background.png Egg.pngInventory slot background.png Egg.pngInterface arrow right.pngInventory slot background.pngBirds of the World.pngWickerbottom Portrait.png
  • Both exclusivity options can be used together.
  • This is a list of all available options (case sensitive) for describing mechanisms to transform ingredients to the result (In priority order):
    • hidearrow=yes : shows nothing
    • fire=yes : Shows a Firepit linked to Cooking.
    • gold=yes : Shows Pig King
    • dubloon=yes : Shows Yaarctopus
    • Science 1=yes : Shows Science Machine
    • Science 2=yes : Shows Alchemy Engine
    • Magic 1=yes : Shows Prestihatitator
    • Magic 2=yes : Shows Shadow Manipulator
    • Ancient 1=yes : Shows Broken Ancient Pseudoscience Station
    • Ancient 2=yes : Shows Ancient Pseudoscience Station
    • manure=yes : Shows a Pig (used for feeding pigs to get manure)
    • bird=yes : Shows a Birdcage used for giving items to caged birds (to get Eggs or Seeds)
    • pot=yes : Shows a Crock Pot used for cooking recipes
    • dry=yes : Shows a Drying Rack used for the effects of drying food items
    • obsidian=yes : Shows an Obsidian Workbench
    • smelter=yes : Shows a Smelter
    • blueprint=yes : Shows a Blueprint used for recipes that require finding a specific blueprint (e.g. Old Bell.
    • tool=(tool name) : Shows the given tool. Used for inventory items that an be processed by tools (e.g. Coconut with Machete)
    • If nothing else, it shows an arrow.

This is how they all look like in the order above:

Inventory slot background.pngRocks.pngInventory slot background.pngRocks.png
Inventory slot background.pngRocks.pngFire Pit.pngInventory slot background.pngRocks.png
Inventory slot background.pngRocks.pngPig King Icon.pngInventory slot background.pngRocks.png
Inventory slot background.pngRocks.pngFile:Yaarctopus Icon.pngInventory slot background.pngRocks.png
Inventory slot background.pngRocks.pngScience Machine.pngInventory slot background.pngRocks.png
Inventory slot background.pngRocks.pngAlchemy Engine.pngInventory slot background.pngRocks.png
Inventory slot background.pngRocks.pngPrestihatitator.pngInventory slot background.pngRocks.png
Inventory slot background.pngRocks.pngShadow Manipulator.pngInventory slot background.pngRocks.png
Inventory slot background.pngRocks.pngBroken Pseudoscience Station.pngInventory slot background.pngRocks.png
Inventory slot background.pngRocks.pngAncient Pseudoscience Station.pngInventory slot background.pngRocks.png
Inventory slot background.pngRocks.pngPig Icon.pngInventory slot background.pngRocks.png
Inventory slot background.pngRocks.pngBirdcage.pngInventory slot background.pngRocks.png
Inventory slot background.pngRocks.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngRocks.png
Inventory slot background.pngRocks.pngDrying Rack.pngInventory slot background.pngRocks.png
Inventory slot background.pngRocks.pngObsidian Workbench.pngInventory slot background.pngRocks.png
Inventory slot background.pngRocks.pngBlueprint.pngInventory slot background.pngRocks.png
Inventory slot background.pngRocks.pngPickaxe.pngInventory slot background.pngRocks.png
Inventory slot background.pngRocks.pngFile:Smelter.pngInventory slot background.pngRocks.png
Inventory slot background.pngRocks.pngInterface arrow right.pngInventory slot background.pngRocks.png