Ancient Tab

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A solid piece of history.


The Ancient Tab allows the players to craft objects using the Ancient Pseudoscience Station, whether broken or repaired. Items under this tab cannot be "prototyped" and then made on the go in the future; in order to craft an item under this tab, the player must be near an Ancient Pseudoscience Station, no matter how many times the item has been crafted. Uncompromising Mode buffs some of the pre-existing items, and adds a new one, which is essentially a more powerful red amulet.

New Craftable Items

The following items can be crafted in the Ancient Tab:

Altered Craftable Items

The following items have been changed in some way:

Game Tabs
Regular ToolsLightSurvivalFoodScienceFightStructuresRefineMagicDress
Character-Specific BooksGreen Thumb • Slingshot Ammo • Spider Care
Prototyping impossible AncientBottle ExchangeCelestialLandscaping