Dress Tab

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Some fine haberdashery.


Dress Items can be obtained from Crafting, in the Dress Tab with the teal Top Hat icon on the left-hand side. Dress items make it easier to counter Seasons' effects such as Freezing, Overheating, or Wetness, often granting extra Sanity regeneration too. Uncompromising Mode adds some new dress items to the game and modifies others.

New Craftable Items

The following items can be crafted in the Dress Tab:

Altered Craftable Items

The following items have been changed in some way:

Game Tabs
Regular ToolsLightSurvivalFoodScienceFightStructuresRefineMagicDress
Character-Specific BooksGreen Thumb • Slingshot Ammo • Spider Care
Prototyping impossible AncientBottle ExchangeCelestialLandscaping