Celestial Tab

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The Celestial Tab is a crafting category. Recipes in this tab cannot be prototyped, instead they can only be crafted while near the Celestial Orb or the fully assembled Celestial Altar, Celestial Tribute, or Celestial Sanctum. Uncompromising Mode adds a new powerful armor piece and balances some of the items in the base game.

New Craftable Items

The following items can be crafted in the Celestial Tab:

Altered Craftable Items

The following items have been changed in some way:

Game Tabs
Regular ToolsLightSurvivalFoodScienceFightStructuresRefineMagicDress
Character-Specific BooksGreen Thumb • Slingshot Ammo • Spider Care
Prototyping impossible AncientBottle ExchangeCelestialLandscaping