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That's fine, I wasn't planning on getting too close anyway!


Wixie Portrait.pngWixie

Uncompromising Mode quotes

Vanilla quotes

Other Players


   GENERIC = "Oh, great, it's %s...",
   ATTACKER = "%s should keep their distance!",
   MURDERER = "Oh NOW you've done it, %s!",
   REVIVER = "%s is a goodie two shoes.",
   GHOST = "%s? Dead? I'm shocked.",
   FIRESTARTER = "You're wild, %s!",


   GENERIC = "Hey %s! Any new failures? Besides you, that is.",
   ATTACKER = "If the experiment was to make me mad, it worked!",
   MURDERER = "%s has finally lost his marbles!",
   REVIVER = "Leave me out of your experiments, %s!",
   GHOST = "So... which experiment blew up in your face this time?",
   FIRESTARTER = "Congratulations, you discovered fire.",


   GENERIC = "Watch where you're walking, %s, you muscled moron!",
   ATTACKER = "Oh yeah, you're SO tough.",
   MURDERER = "What, did you trip and fall on someone?",
   REVIVER = "Looks like %s has a brain after all!",
   GHOST = "All that muscle and you STILL died?",
   FIRESTARTER = "%s learned that fire hurts.",


   GENERIC = "It's the snobbiest one of them all, %s!",
   ATTACKER = "%s is hurting people, but that's nothing new.",
   MURDERER = "What's one more, right %s?",
   REVIVER = "Playing with people's lives again I see.",
   GHOST = "You had that coming.",
   FIRESTARTER = "Reckless doesn't suit you.",

WX78 = {

   GENERIC = "What a rust bucket.",
   ATTACKER = "I think %s is faulty.",
   MURDERER = "%s has a few wires loose.",
   REVIVER = "Unexpectedly mushy of you, %s.",
   GHOST = "What kind of stupid upgrade is that, %s?",
   FIRESTARTER = "I wonder if you're fire proof...",


   GENERIC = "%s is such a creep.",
   ATTACKER = "%s has a mean streak.",
   MURDERER = "Didn't you parents teach you any manners, %s?!",
   REVIVER = "%s's just as likely to help as she is to hurt.",
   GHOST = "%s's less dangerous like this.",
   FIRESTARTER = "Lighting fires? That's just what %s does. Why is anyone surprised?",


   GENERIC = "Oh no, it's %s.",
   ATTACKER = "Go take it out on someone else.",
   MURDERER = "Is that what you did to Abby?",
   REVIVER = "Surprised %s could bring me back to life.",
   GHOST = "What? Isn't this what you wanted?",
   FIRESTARTER = "Children shouldn't play with fire.",


   GENERIC = "%s is nuttier than a candy bar.",
   ATTACKER = "What happened to that Canadian hospitality?",
   MURDERER = "I knew Canadians were nothing but trouble!",
   REVIVER = "Canadians are suckers!",
   GHOST = "Looks like your kindness didn't save you.",
   BEAVER = "Maybe I'm just desensitized, but this doesn't surprise me.",
   BEAVERGHOST = "Do beavers have souls?",
   MOOSE = "Seems a bit derivative.",
   MOOSEGHOST = "Not so tough, it seems.",
   GOOSE = "He's gone and turned himself into something even more annoying.",
   GOOSEGHOST = "Finally, a break from all that honking.",
   FIRESTARTER = "There goes all your precious wood.",


   GENERIC = "Can %s even see where she's going?",
   ATTACKER = "Maybe if you opened your eyes you would see what you're attacking.",
   MURDERER = "People die when you hurt them. Didn't you know that?",
   REVIVER = "Finally, that brain made itself useful!",
   GHOST = "You were only a couple years away, anyways.",
   FIRESTARTER = "Burn any good books lately?",

WES = {

   GENERIC = "Do you think being trapped in a box is amusing, %s?",
   ATTACKER = "It's not pantomime when you actually hit someone.",
   MURDERER = "It's always the quiet ones!",
   REVIVER = "I'm glad %s didn't try to use a balloon heart.",
   GHOST = "Why didn't you just yell for help?",
   FIRESTARTER = "Is starting fires part of some new act?",


   GENERIC = "Careful %s. You wouldn't want to get squashed.",
   ATTACKER = "You're letting the spider part take over.",
   MURDERER = "Just another killer spider.",
   REVIVER = "Ew, don't let your fur touch me next time.",
   GHOST = "Why don't the other spiders turn into ghosts?",
   FIRESTARTER = "You're too young to play with fire!",


   GENERIC = "You need some more singing lessons, %s",
   ATTACKER = "This isn't a play!",
   MURDERER = "%s is taking acting too far!",
   REVIVER = "%s can do more than hurt things, how nice.",
   GHOST = "Look, %s's playing dead! HAH!",
   FIRESTARTER = "Just don't go burning people.",


   GENERIC = "Oh, it's %s.",
   ATTACKER = "More brawn than brain, huh?",
   MURDERER = "This is what work related stress does to a person!",
   REVIVER = "%s knows a valuable asset when she sees one.",
   GHOST = "The only thing %s's producing now is ectoplasm.",
   FIRESTARTER = "%s is into demolition too!",


   GENERIC = "Don't go playing any tricks, %s!",
   ATTACKER = "%s always looked shifty.",
   MURDERER = "I knew %s was a monster!",
   REVIVER = "Thanks, soul eater.",
   GHOST = "So much for 'going where you please'.",
   FIRESTARTER = "Burning things? What a creative prank.",


   GENERIC = "Should I speak slowly, %s?",
   ATTACKER = "Harming people is a bad way to make friends.",
   MURDERER = "Don't you know what death is, twig for brains?",
   REVIVER = "Don't think this makes us friends, hollow-head.",
   GHOST = "Pushing daisies again twig for brains?",
   FIRESTARTER = "%s learned what fire does.",


   GENERIC = "Keep the snacks coming, %s!",
   ATTACKER = "Trying to keep all the food to yourself, %s?",
   MURDERER = "This is what starvation does to a person.",
   REVIVER = "Glad to be alive, but I could go for a snack.",
   GHOST = "Did one of your recipes finally blow up in your face?",
   FIRESTARTER = "%s likes his trees charbroiled.",

WURT = {

   GENERIC = "I have no time for kindergarteners, %s!",
   ATTACKER = "%s's bloodthirsty!",
   MURDERER = "I'd expect nothing less of the creatures that live here!",
   REVIVER = "I doubt %s smart enough to have done that herself.",
   GHOST = "What, did you walk into a tentacle or something?",
   FIRESTARTER = "God help us, the merms are learning to make fire.",


   GENERIC = "It's the goodie two shoes, %s.",
   ATTACKER = "And I thought you were a 'nice' guy!",
   MURDERER = "This isn't a horror show, %s!",
   REVIVER = "Was helping ghosts part of your training?",
   GHOST = "I think %s's better like this, a lot less talkative.",
   FIRESTARTER = "Is there a fire un-safety badge, %s?",


   GENERIC = "I don't really care how it works, %s.",
   ATTACKER = "'Time heals all wounds' is not a justification.",
   MURDERER = "You can't time travel out of this one, %s!",
   REVIVER = "Couldn't you just have time traveled and stopped my death?",
   GHOST = "You can rewind time but couldn't stop yourself from dying?",
   FIRESTARTER = "Maybe you could go back and stop yourself from lighting that fire.",


   GENERIC = "Know any tricks?",
   ATTACKER = "Get your hairy hands away from me!",
   MURDERER = "They've gone bananas!",
   REVIVER = "Don't expect any favors for helping me!",
   GHOST = "Too dumb to live.", 
   FIRESTARTER = "Oh no, the apes have discovered fire.",  


   GENERIC = "Go bother someone else, pea brain!",
   ATTACKER = "You'd better not have rabies!",
   MURDERER = "Go crawl back in your hole, %s!",
   REVIVER = "Don't beg!",
   GHOST = "I wonder if any rats are haunting my house?",
   FIRESTARTER = "Fire?! Couldn't you just chew on some furniture or something, %s?",


   GENERIC = "Should I speak slowly, %s?",
   ATTACKER = "I think %s has a taste for blood.",
   MURDERER = "%s has gone feral! Run for your lives!",
   REVIVER = "Well, atleast you didn't eat the heart!",
   GHOST = "What a weird... ghost? How can there be a WEIRD ghost?!",
   FIRESTARTER = "Most beasts don't resort to burning stuff.",


   GENERIC = "What a jerk.",
   ATTACKER = "Bullying people is my job!",
   MURDERER = "Not even I would go THAT far, %s!",
   REVIVER = "I wouldn't have done the same in your... my shoes?",
   GHOST = "There's only room for one of me around here!",
   FIRESTARTER = "Great minds think alike!",

New Gameplay Mechanics
Balance Changes Altered BiomesCharacter RebalancesCrock PotFoodItemsMiscellaneousMobs (Boss Reworks) • Plants
Characters WinkyWathomWixie
Weather Giant Tornado • Heatwave • Snowstorm
Seasons No new seasons.
Mechanics CraftingKnockbackNight TerrorsRat RaidsVeteran's Curse
Other Console CommandsMod CompatibilitySet Pieces