Mossy Forest Turf

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It's a thing...


Mossy Forest Turf is one of the Turf items, acquired by digging Hooded Forest tiles with a Pitchfork. Like other Turfs, it can be placed on any bare ground tile or used as fuel.

Plants like Berry Bushes, Grass Tufts, Saplings, Spiky Bushes, Lureplants, Pine Cones, and Birchnuts can be planted on these Turfs. It will also not stop the Lureplants' Eyeplants from spawning.

When placed on the Surface World in a large enough area, Woodpeckers will start to spawn and land on these turfs.

Blueprint.png Gallery

Surface Turf Mossy Forest Turf
Cave Turf None
Craftable Turf Ancient Hooded Turf