Giant Tornado

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Nail down our gear! Duck and cover! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!


Tornadois a type of weather that occurs every few days in mid-Spring. It creates heavy rain around them, causing players in a large radius around itself to have a higher 100% water protection cap. You need 150% waterproofing in total to avoid the Tornado's rain. It will also release Magic Lightning randomly around a large radius of itself, which can have the hitstun animation and damage taken lowered by electrical insulating clothing, but never fully negated by them.

The Giant Tornado always spawns in the Ocean on top of a few mysterious structures, namely the Dilapidated Speaker, Nested Sea Stack and the Sirens Throne. When on the Ocean, a whirlpool will appear below the Tornado, pulling in boats that enter the whirlpool area.

It will suck up items and throw them away, deal damage to non-players close to it, dig up stuff that can be dug up, chop down Trees in its way, harvest Plants near it, but ignoring pickable plants.

The Giant Tornado normally doesn't have a visible Map icon, but if the player interacts with a Rainometer while a Tornado is happening in the World, it will reveal the Tornado's location on the map momentarily, but only while standing close to it.

There's a Client-Side configuration option called "Reduced tornado VFX". It lowers intensity of rain and removes the lightning and rain part of the overlay. To enable this option client-side, you need to go to: Main menu -> Mods -> Server Mods -> Uncompromising Mode -> Settings -> Set "Tornadoes: Reduced VFX" to TRUE.


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I shower regularly.


Waterfalls spawn temporarily in the Caves when there's a Tornado happening in the surface. They're only decorative as of now.


  • A player needs 150% waterproofing in total to avoid the Tornado's rain, which can achieved with the help of a multitude of combination of items, like the Umbrella for the Hand Slot, Reed Suit, Rock Hide Armor or Rain Coat for the Body Slot, and for the Head slot, either an Eyebrella or a Rain Hat, which was buffed to 80% Wetness resistance to help with this event.


  • Tornadoes were added in the update Under The Weather Part 1.
  • In the mod's files, instead of having the same name as its prefab code, the Anim file for the Tornado is titled "".

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