Night Terrors

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I feel like I'm being watched.


Night Terrors, also known as Random Night Events (RNE) are a series of random events that may occur each nightfall. Night Terrors are extremely diverse, either becoming a blessing or a scourge of the night. Some Night Terrors are dependent on the time of year or the player's current circumstances. Other Night Terrors are exceedingly rare.

Icon Science.png Mechanics

At the start of each night, all players in server are applied a 20% chance for a Night Terror (spawn chance is configurable) individually. Multiple Night Terrors can appear at the same time. Players engaged with a boss will not be given Night Terrors.

Surface Night Terrors

If specified, some of these occur in caves too.

Adult Batilisk Swarm

About 3-4 Adult Batilisks will swoop down from the sky and begin to attack the player.

Birch Nutter Swarm

About 3-4 Birch Nutters will unburrow themselves from the ground and attack the player.

Charlie's Gramaphone

A Shadow Gramaphone will spawn nearby and will begin to play an eerie rendition of Ragtime. Interacting with it will teleport the Gramophone a moderate distance away and speed up the music. This can be performed 5 times.

After interacting with the Gramophone for the final time, the following will spawn:

  • Dark Sword or Night Armor
  • 0-3 Crawling Nightmares or Nightmarebeaks.

Both the Phonograph and Shadow Creatures will despawn at morning.

Cave plants

A cluster of Ferns and Light Flowers will spawn around the player before quickly disintegrating. These plants can be harvested.

Drink with the living dead

Wigfrid Portrait.png
Hah! Yöu dön't knöw whö yöu're wagering with!


After a warning, Skelton Cree will spawn close to the player and talk about a drinking competition. To participate, a single survivor needs to approach him, as he will not accept more than 1 participant. If the Player gets close to Skelton, he will give a Shadow Tonic directly to their inventory. Each time after the character consumes the Shadow Tonic, Skelton Cree will do the same, both having a chance of falling to sleep when doing so. If the character falls asleep, Skelton mocks them, disappears and then spawns a Skeleton that will immediately attack the loser. If Skelton Cree falls asleep, he dies, dropping 4 Bone Shards and the Skull Flask.

If the player takes too much time to interact with Skelton Cree or drink their Shadow Tonic, Skelton will warn that he's impatient and disappear while spawning 3-4 Skeletons after a few seconds.

The drinking game cannot end in a draw, ends in 5 turns max and it cannot be cheated with a Mushy Cake.

Gramophone.png Quotes

When spawning in

  • "Care to drink with the dead?"
  • "Let's play a little game, how's about a drink?"
  • "Come and drink with me."
  • "I pick the drinks, you knock 'em back."

Giving the first tonic to the player

  • "You seem willing, I'll drink with you."
  • "It'll be you then."

If a character approaches while he's already in a game

  • "I only drink with one at a time."

After drinking (Each in order)

  • (1º Drink) "When it's six to midnight and the boney hand of death is nigh."
  • (2º Drink) "You better drink your drink and shut your mouth."
  • (3º Drink) "If you draw against his hand, you can never win."
  • (4º Drink) "Go ahead… drink with the living dead."
  • (5º Drink) "Drink with the living dead."

If the Player falls asleep from drinking"

  • "Ha! I knew you were soft.", "Ha! You lose!"

When the player takes too long to approach/drink

  • "I'm getting tired of waiting here."
  • "I ain't got all night!"

Despawning due to lack of player interaction

  • "I'm done waiting."

Feather Pencil.png Credits

Idea Theukon-Dos Theukon-Dos.png
Code Axe Axe.png
Art Klei Klei.png
Quotes Theukon-Dos Theukon-Dos.png

Fuel Stealers

A few Fuel Stealers will spawn and begin following the player. If they are close enough, they will begin rapidly exhausting light sources. Fuel Stealers target the following:

  • Torch
  • Miner Hat
  • Campfire
  • Fire Pit
  • Endothermic Fire
  • Endothermic Fire Pit

Random Chimp Event

A group of Splumonkeys named "Chimps" will spawn near the player will begin picking up from the ground. When night ends, they will despawn and drop all items they collected.

Living Stumps

If the player is around any stumps they will transform into Pinelings.

Many Mr. Skitts

A big group of Mr. Skitts will spawn near to the player. The player can get close to make them disappear. It has no secondary effect.

Shadow Eyes

A bunch of Shadow Eyes will spawn near the player. They will rapidly drain the player's sanity, and will start draining their health if the player's sanity hits 0.

Skeleton Party

Wilson Portrait.png
They are spooky AND scary!


A group of Skeletons with Football Helmets and Spears will spawn and slowly creep near the player. After getting close enough, they have a 50% chance to either dance or attack in group.

The player can kill one of them for 2 bone shards. They don't have a herd mentality, so if one is attacked, the others won't aggro on the attacker. They will despawn at morning.

Shadow Arena

Waxwell Portrait.png
Oh, please. I know a trick when I see one.

Maxwell, examining the Grasping Shadow

A Grasping Shadow will spawn near the player, and if hit will teleport the player to a random point on the map with 3 Shadow Night Lights, with one of them saying: "Defeat this creature, and claim your prize", and spawning a Tier 2 Shadow Chess Piece Boss.

You can fight and kill the Shadow Piece, and doing so will have it drop a Shadow Crown. If you do not wish to fight, you can run away. If you wait till morning, everything will despawn, and you get nothing.

Shadow Chesspiece

One of the shadow chess piece bosses will spawn, either tier one or two and will attempt to kill you, this is not the same as the Shadow arena as no crown will drop if it is killed. It will despawn at morning.

Shadow Wilson

Wilson Portrait.png


A hostile shadow version of Wilson wielding an axe as a weapon will spawn, and will slowly trudge towards the player, attempting to kill them, swinging their axe whenever they get close. Occasionally, he will gain a great speed boost and walk much faster than before. Their attacks are easy to dodge due to them standing still while attacking (even while they are speed boosting), however he has a very fast attack rate and is almost impossible to effectively kite. His relatively low health and damage makes tanking a viable option.

Shadow Talker

A pair of eyes will hover in the darkness and talk, speaking the player's negative thoughts. It has a different response depending on the players character (Wilson's lines are generic and used for every character).

Wilson Portrait.png


If it gets illuminated, it will vanish, and go to a new location that has complete darkness and continue to talk.

Despite being able to reposition itself, it will not follow the player if they go too far.

Angry Treeguard

A Treeguard will spawn near the player, already aggroed onto the chosen player and will begin to fight them.

Moon Tear Meteor

During a Full Moon there is a 50% chance a Moon tear Meteor will fall close to the player, creating a Moon Tear after landing.

Shadow Vortex

A shaking Shadow Vortex will spawn near the player, starting out small, then growing larger and larger, while sucking any players inward with increasing strength. It will continuously keep growing and shaking, until it eventually starts shrinking and fizzles away.

There's is a configuration option to make it teleport you instead of killing you.

Woven Shadows Horde

Large amounts of Woven Shadows will continually spawn and creep towards the player, constantly draining sanity.

Krampus Ambush

At the start of the night, the player will hear Krampus's hiss, then 1-3 Krampi will spawn. The most effective counter is to draw their aggro, to prevent them from stealing your stuff.

Hand Horde

Large amounts of armless shadow hands will spawn around the player and very swiftly dash towards them, like a bullet. The player will have to constantly dodge the shadow hands, as getting caught by one will drain the player's sanity by -15 and teleport them to a nearby random location, and will also make the player drop anything they were holding. The item the player drops will simply appear at the player's feet, however when in darkness this may not be so obvious.

Tick's Heart

A Shadow Atrium, completely blacked out and slightly transparent like a shadow monster, will spawn near the player. It will summon hostile "Nervous Ticks" which will chase the player if they get close. Upon reaching the player, they will "latch on" by going into the player's inventory. They will constantly drain the player's health while in their inventory, however they can be "murdered", similar to a rabbit or bird.


A bunch of gnome trinkets will spawn near the player in a group. Being near the group of gnomes will drain the player's sanity, and attempting to take a gnome or get close to the group has a chance to remove all the gnomes and spawn Crawling Nightmares/Nightmarebeaks. The gnomes and nightmare creatures will disappear at morning. Occasionally, one completely normal gnome trinket might spawn.

Caves and Surface Night Terrors

Caves and Surface Night Terrors can happen either on the Surface or in the Caves:

Cave Night Terrors

Cave Night Terrors can only happen while you're in the caves:

Spider Ambush

Spider Ambush Is a Caves only NT where three Dangling Depth Dwellers descend from the ceiling to attack you.

Ocean Night Terrors

Ocean Night Terrors can only happen while sailing:


More info needed


More info needed


A list of the removed NTs that can no longer occur in game:


About three or four Eyeplants will spawn near the player. This was Replaced by the Shadow Eyes NT.

Full moon werepigs

During a Full Moon, there is a 50% chance two Werepigs will spawn near the Player, ready to attack you. They have a ghostly glow similarly to being haunted.

Vacation Mactusk

This RNE could only happen in summer. A Mactusk with a summer clothes and a Red Hound would spawn near the Player. He worked just like a Normal MacTusk, except with a 25% chance to drop the Sunglasses. They despawn at morning.

Winter Mactusk

One Mactusk and one Blue Hounds will spawn, he acts exactly the same as regular MacTusk and will hunt the player as usual. They have a ghostly glow similarly to being haunted, and disappear when the night is over. Wee MacTusk will not appear when this happens.


  • Before nightfall always make sure you're aware that an NT might happen and always be prepared to fight.
  • Plenty of NTs will despawn during day, so waiting until morning is always a viable strategy.


  • Night Terrors were previously named as "Random Night Events". This name change happened because of a Hallowed Nights mod contest made by Klei in 2021. Some of Uncomp's Developers created a few mods for the contest, one of them being Night Terrors, which got 7th place in the rankings and was later incorporated into Uncompromising Mode itself.
  • Night Terrors were inspired by Darkwood.
  • The spawn code for the Shadow Gramaphone is based on the original spawncode in DS: ("maxwellphonograph"), it references how Charlie is the one in charge of the throne in DST, not Maxwell.
  • Shadow Wilson is a possible reference to the old update banner for Don't starve, featuring Wilson with a devious smile and an axe.
  • The Random Chimp Event NT, is a clear reference to the Meme of the same name.

Feather Pencil.png Credits

Idea saslol13 Saslol13.png
Code Axe and Scrimbles Axe.pngScrimbles.png

Blueprint.png Gallery

New Gameplay Mechanics
Balance Changes Altered BiomesCharacter RebalancesCrock PotFoodItemsMiscellaneousMobs (Boss Reworks) • Plants
Characters WinkyWathomWixie
Weather Giant Tornado • Heatwave • Snowstorm
Seasons No new seasons.
Mechanics CraftingKnockbackNight TerrorsRat RaidsVeteran's Curse
Other Console CommandsMod CompatibilitySet Pieces