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Woodie Portrait.png
What do you think Lucy? Do I look good in these?


Sunglasses are a Hat Item that is only obtained by killing Vacation MacTusk.

Normal MacTusk turn into Vacation MacTusk when it's Summer, so there's only two legitimate ways to obtain the Sunglasses currently, one being making a MacTusk survive until Summer, and the other is by killing Hooded Widow and destroying a MacTusk Silky Cocoon during summer.

It restores 6.7 Sanity per minute while worn, and grants 60 points of protection from overheating. It lasts for 6 in game days, and can be repaired with the Sewing Kit.

When walking in a Sandstorm or Snowstorm while wearing the Sunglasses, the character will not be slowed down and the visual effects that limits the player's field of view will be largely reduced.

Blueprint.png Gallery

New Items and Structures dropped by Mobs
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Indirect Shadow TonicSkull FlaskVomitWhisper Pod