Long Pig

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Wendy Portrait.png
Flesh for flesh...


Long Pig, is an Item. It is dropped when hammering skeletons, any skeletons found in the world, or from skeletons created when a player dies can be hammered for Long Pig.

it is required for the Telltale Heart in crafting, this makes obtaining early game revival much harder, as you can no longer stock pile telltale hearts.

This item is completely inedible.

Icon Science.png Recipe

Inventory slot background.pngLong Pig Jerky.pngInventory slot background.png Spider Gland.pngInventory slot background.pngHealth Decrease.png


Interface arrow right.pngInventory slot background.pngTelltale Heart.png

Prototype.png Tips

  • Since Long Pig is limited and spoils, try not to hammer skeletons until you are ready to craft a Telltale Heart

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Long Pig, also called Human Meat, is a removed Food Item in Don't Starve Together, that used to be dropped by dying players. It has since been re-added by Uncompromising mode.
  • This item is inedible for all characters, despite Wathom's quote claiming otherwise.

Feather Pencil.png Credits

Idea Scrimbles Scrimbles.png
Code Scrimbles Scrimbles.png
Art Klei Klei.png
Quotes Klei Klei.png
New Items and Structures dropped by Mobs
Food GloomberryMonster MorselScorpion CarapaceZaspberry
Crafting Resources Enlightened ScalesLong PigRat TailShroom Skin ScrapSnowball
Loot Frozen PincerInert Infused Moon ChunkPied Pipers PipeShadow CrownSunglassesWidow's ClawWidow's Head
Veteran Curse Items Bearger ClawCrab ClawCursed AntlerFeather FrockGore HornHand Held HiveNaught LockSlobber Lobber
Indirect Shadow TonicSkull FlaskVomitWhisper Pod