Crab Claw

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Winona Portrait.png
I have a knack for stickin' gems into things, don't I?


The Crab Claw is a melee weapon dropped by Crab King. It has four slots that accept all gem types, each gem has a different effect.

Each gem also increases the damage of the claw by 5, to a maximum of 60 damage when four gems are slotted.

The weapon itself has no durability and will never break, but the gems slotted on it will transform into Shaped Gems, each with their own number of uses, and can only be used on the Crab Claw.

This item can be deconstructed using a Deconstruction Staff for 4 Rocks, 1 Cut Stone.

Shaped Gems

WX-78 Portrait.png


When a normal gem is slotted into the Crab Claw it becomes a Shaped Gem and can only be used with this weapon.

Each gem has a different durability and special effect when slotted into the Crab Claw.

Gem On Hit Effects
Gem Uses 1 2 3 4
Shaped Red Gem.png 80 +0.2 Health Meter.png +0.4 Health Meter.png +0.6 Health Meter.png +0.8 Health Meter.png
Shaped Blue Gem.png 80 +0.1 Coldness to Mobs +0.2 Coldness to Mobs +0.3 Coldness to Mobs +0.4 Coldness to Mobs
Shaped Purple Gem.png 100 10% chance to spawn
a shadow tentacle
20% chance to spawn
a shadow tentacle
30% chance to spawn
a shadow tentacle
40% chance to spawn
a shadow tentacle
Shaped Green Gem.png 160 20% chance to not
waste durability
40% chance to not
waste durability
60% chance to not
waste durability
80% chance to not
waste durability
Shaped Orange Gem.png 160 20% Movement speed
reduction to mobs
30% Movement speed
reduction to mobs
40% Movement speed
reduction to mobs
50% Movement speed
reduction to mobs
Shaped Yellow Gem.png 160 +0.2 Sanity Meter.png +0.4 Sanity Meter.png +0.6 Sanity Meter.png +0.8 Sanity Meter.png
Shaped Iridescent Gem.png 160 +1 effects to all other gems +2 effects to all other gems +3 effects to all other gems N/A

Skull.png Veteran's Curse

This weapon can only be equipped if you have Veteran's Curse active, which can be activated by touching the Melancholic Skull.

Placeholder.png Trivia


New Items and Structures dropped by Mobs
Food GloomberryMonster MorselScorpion CarapaceZaspberry
Crafting Resources Enlightened ScalesLong PigRat TailShroom Skin ScrapSnowball
Loot Frozen PincerInert Infused Moon ChunkPied Pipers PipeShadow CrownSunglassesWidow's ClawWidow's Head
Veteran Curse Items Bearger ClawCrab ClawCursed AntlerFeather FrockGore HornHand Held HiveNaught LockSlobber Lobber
Indirect Shadow TonicSkull FlaskVomitWhisper Pod