Pied Pipers Pipe

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Wormwood Portrait.png
Toot toot toot!


The Pied Pipers Pipe is an item dropped by the Pied Piper.

When played, up to 8 Rats (excluding Pack Rats and Pied Pipers) in the area will become permanent followers. They will help the player in combat and stop stealing items. Pied Piper's follower Rats can be converted to the player's followers, and vice versa, the player's follower Rats can then be converted to a Pied Piper's followers again. If the player attacks one of their own follower Rats, the Rat will stop following them.

Prototype.png Tips

  • Follower Rats who have stolen an item will not drop their item, but they will allow you to pick up the item from their back using the action button (default: Space).
  • If there are more than 8 Rats in the area, the players can create a clan war by playing the Pied Piper's Pipe and attacking one of their follower Rats. Their other follower Rats will attack the singled out one, and the wild Rats will aggro on the player's followers. While this is ineffective at eradicating Rats due to their low damage, it will distract the Rats in the area while the player performs actions that would otherwise aggro the Rats, such as digging up their burrow.
  • The player can obtain the Pied Piper's Pipe before a Rat Raid happens by looting a Grotesque Cocoon from the Hooded Widow.
New Items and Structures dropped by Mobs
Food GloomberryMonster MorselScorpion CarapaceZaspberry
Crafting Resources Enlightened ScalesLong PigRat TailShroom Skin ScrapSnowball
Loot Frozen PincerInert Infused Moon ChunkPied Pipers PipeShadow CrownSunglassesWidow's ClawWidow's Head
Veteran Curse Items Bearger ClawCrab ClawCursed AntlerFeather FrockGore HornHand Held HiveNaught LockSlobber Lobber
Indirect Shadow TonicSkull FlaskVomitWhisper Pod