Pack Rat

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Wickerbottom Portrait.png
Have they gained intelligence, or did they steal it?


The Pack Rat resembles regular Rats except they carry a small backpack, have smaller eyes, and have darker pink bits.

They spawn during a Rat Raid and their sole purpose is to carry more items, they have a 5-slot backpack and attempt to avoid combat. As stated, these rats focus on looting and avoiding combat, outside of that, they return all the loot they gathered to their burrow as usual.

Pack Rats are also afraid of ghosts like Abigail.

Spear.png Hunting

Considering the fact that pack rats avoid combat, it may be in your best interest to use a Scaled Chest, Poison Jam, or Whips to either catch them while they are looting or attempt to hit them from a longer range.

It may also be a better option to focus regular rats first and follow the pack rats to the burrow.

Prototype.png Tips

Blueprint.png Gallery

Hostile Creatures AbominamoleAdult BatiliskAlpha Volt GoatAphidBush CrabClockwork AmalgamDamaged PawnDepths EelDepths ViperGlacial HoundLightning HoundMagma HoundPawn (Damaged) • Pineling (Birchling) • Shadow CreaturesScorpionSpore HoundToadlingTrapdoor Spider
Boss Monsters Hooded WidowMoonmaw DragonflyMother GooseWilting Dragonfly
Neutral Animals Pied PiperRat (Pack Rat) • Snapdragon (Snap Buddy)
Passive Animals Fruit BatNymphWoodpecker
Critters Figgy
Changed Mobs Balance Changes/MobsBoss ReworksDeerclops