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Woodie Portrait.png
They like the trees too, eh?


Aphids are hostile mobs that periodically spawn from Large Fern and Infested Giant Redwoods.

Aphids wander around searching for any valid food that they can eat, these include:

  • Any food item, with the exception of Goodies and Horrible Foods (Pig Skin, Bunny Puff, Slurper Pelt, etc.)
  • Any pickable resource, such as fully grown Farm Crops, Cut Grass from Grass Tufts, Twigs from Saplings, Stone Fruit from Stone Fruit Bushes, Cut Reeds from Reeds, Foliage from Large Fern, etc.

They can eat whole stacks of valid food at once and have a cooldown of a few seconds before trying to eat again. Aphids also have a similar mechanic to Batilisks, where the player can kill them while they're munching to make them drop the items they consumed.

After some time has passed, an Infested Giant Redwood will spawn a Nymph, alongside a group of 5-6 Aphids that will follow the Nymph, strictly keeping close to it and attack anything that gets close to it. Nymphs despawn if they successfully get to their target tree and infest it, meaning all their Aphids can wander freely around as normal again.

They cannot be put to sleep, and will be frozen with a single shot of an Ice Staff.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Aphids were added in the Hooded Forest update.
  • Aphids used to be able to infest Giant Redwoods. This ability has been transferred to the Nymph.

Blueprint.png Gallery

Hostile Creatures AbominamoleAdult BatiliskAlpha Volt GoatAphidBush CrabClockwork AmalgamDamaged PawnDepths EelDepths ViperGlacial HoundLightning HoundMagma HoundPawn (Damaged) • Pineling (Birchling) • Shadow CreaturesScorpionSpore HoundToadlingTrapdoor Spider
Boss Monsters Hooded WidowMoonmaw DragonflyMother GooseWilting Dragonfly
Neutral Animals Pied PiperRat (Pack Rat) • Snapdragon (Snap Buddy)
Passive Animals Fruit BatNymphWoodpecker
Critters Figgy
Changed Mobs Balance Changes/MobsBoss ReworksDeerclops