Shadow Tonic

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Wormwood Portrait.png


Shadow Tonic is an item given to the player during the Drink with the living dead Night Terror.

Drinking one will take -3 sanity and make you groggy. The drinking game is chance based, and there are two results if you chose to play with Skelton Cree. Losing will put you to sleep and spawn an aggressive skeleton. Winning will award you with the Skull Flask and 4 Bone shards.

Eating a Mushy Cake before drinking the Shadow Tonics will increase the chance of the player winning.

Their are two looks for the Tonic, Normal and Fancy, they are identical in stats.

If there are any left on the ground or in your inventory they will disappear when it becomes day time.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Shadow Tonic was added in the Fight And Flight Update.
  • Both the Shadow Tonic variants have a special animation that plays when they're dropped on the ground.
New Items and Structures dropped by Mobs
Food GloomberryMonster MorselScorpion CarapaceZaspberry
Crafting Resources Enlightened ScalesLong PigRat TailShroom Skin ScrapSnowball
Loot Frozen PincerInert Infused Moon ChunkPied Pipers PipeShadow CrownSunglassesWidow's ClawWidow's Head
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Indirect Shadow TonicSkull FlaskVomitWhisper Pod