Gore Horn

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Wilson Portrait.png
My mind was always the greatest weapon but... yeah, you get the idea.


The Gore Horn is an equipable hat dropped by Ancient Guardian.

When worn, running in a straight line will cause you to speed up until you reach a certain point. After reaching that point, you will have continuous speed and be able to smash into enemies and structures dealing 150 damage to mobs, and minimally damaging structure. After hitting an object you come to a stop and need to start running again.

Despite having durability the item does not break when it reaches zero, instead this is used to convey how long you can charge. You can charge at any percent but the time you can spend charging depends on durability.

This item can be deconstructed using a Deconstruction staff for 2 Meat, 4 Nightmare fuel.

Skull.png Veteran's Curse

This weapon can only be equipped if you have Veteran's Curse active, which can be activated by touching the Melancholic Skull.

Prototype.png Tips

  • Using your mouse instead of keyboard while charging will give you more control, allowing you to turn slightly while charging.

Placeholder.png Trivia

Blueprint.png Gallery

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