Removed Features

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Map Icon Florid Postern.png This feature has been removed from the mod.
The information presented here is for reference only.

The following features were once officially implemented in Uncompromising Mode, but have since been removed from the mod for various reasons.

For features with references in the games' files, see Unimplemented Features.

Bernie Box

Willow Portrait.png
I like to keep the packaging.

Willow, when inspecting the Bernie Box.

The Bernie Box is a removed starting item exclusive to Willow, its only purpose was to allow the player to choose if they wanted to start with Bernie or Ashley, a skin for Bernie. It also limited Willow to a single Bernie. It was removed alongside other old Willow changes, like having to set Bernie on fire to make him transform into BERNIE!. Nowadays, the player can choose which skin they want to start with in the character customization screen, right before pressing "Go!" to join the world. Characters still have quotes for the Bernie Box.

Blooming Shot

The Blooming Shot is a removed item.

Diseased Fur

The Diseased Fur or Rat Skin was an item dropped by rats when they were first introduced, but it had no crafts, leading to its removal.


Wanda Portrait.png
Lots of tiny, tiny stones.

Wanda, when inspecting Sand.

Webber Portrait.png
Wish we had a bucket and a shovel.

Webber, when inspecting a Sand Pile.

Sand is a removed resource that was obtainable through digging Sand piles that would spawn in the Oasis Desert. It only got one use before getting deleted, which was being part of the Fashion Goggles' crafting recipe. It later got changed to require 2 Hound's Teeth instead of Sand. It was also planned for the sand to be cookable into glass, while also adding some items that would require those materials, such as bottles, but it was deleted for being pointless, according to the Developers. Characters also had, and are still getting, quotes for both Sand and Sand Piles.


These were mechanics/tweaks that were removed/reverted from the mod.

Lava holes: Antlion used to spawn lava ponds alongside her sinkholes, these were considered way too overwhelming and as such were removed.

Burning Tooth traps: Tooth traps used to be flammable in the mod's early stages, however this was considered pointless and as such has been long removed.

Longer Tree growth: Trees used to take nearly a full year to complete their growth cycle.

Longer Meaty stew cook time: Meaty stew's cook time used to be much longer.

Wormwood Smoldering: Wormwood had his old downside of being flammable restored.

Willow's spell: Willow used to be able to cast a spell with her lighter to light her surroundings on fire.

Willow Smoldering: Much like Wormwood, Willow used to smolder upon getting close to fire and allowed her to be set on fire.

Juicy Mosquitos: Juicy berry bushes had a chance to spawn Mosquitos upon being picked, similar to Gobblers.

Bird health: Birds had a health system while caged, taking damage when eating monster meat, and being healed over time or when given normal meat.

Mini Shadow eyes RNE: The eyes from Dread eye's camouflage attack used to spawn as an rne.

Horticulture Nerf: Before the book split only grew things by 33% instead of fully.

Killable Woby: Woby used to have health and could be attacked and killed by mobs.

Cha cha slide: Terrorbeaks used to slide towards the player while attacking.

Extended Shadows' range: Shadows used to have increased range.

Bramble Burst: The Bramble Husk used to automatically shoot its thorns if a mob was close by, this was removed due to occuring around other player's companions like Beefalo.

Night terror scaling: Night terror's chance used to scale up if there were more players in the server, increasing by 10% each.

Over Eating: Players used to become groggy upon getting too much hunger over their maximum, this was removed in favor of the Overtime healing mechanic.

Laser Spin: Deerclops' laser mutation used to have a special attack, where it would rotate clockwise while shooting its laser, this was removed for optimization issues and may return in the future.

Tankier Krampus: Krampus used to have 3x the health, though with it's knockback on every hit at the time, it was considered way too much.

Starving Gobblers: Gobblers used to attack players and have their drops halved unless they ate enough berries.

Pitcher plants: They were the original spawner for Fruit bats, giving honey when fed bugs.

Spider Queen webbing: Spider queen used to have webbed turf beneath her as she moved.

Moontations: Mobs like hounds and spiders mutated during full moon into their lunar forms, this is no longer the case.

Added by Klei

These were features from the Uncompromising mode mod that later on were added by Klei into the vanilla game.

Lazy Forager refuelable.

Catcoon Inventory: Catcoons would not void the items they took, instead putting it in an inventory, they didn't give it to their stumps however.

Rainy days: A book for Wickerbottom that summons rain, added by Klei in the Wickerbottom rework, however this version couldn't stop rain and was made with a Moon tear.

Varg Waves: Vargs used to spawn during hound waves after day 100, the addition of the Vargling by Klei made this change obsolete.

The Blooming Shot: Klei added another method for Wormwood to bloom himself during the RWYS update, for more details check the page.