Crock Pot

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For changes to existing recipes, see Balance Changes/Food.

Winky Portrait.png
It makes me hungry just to look at it.

Winky, examining an empty crock pot.

The Crock Pot is a Structure that is used to cook a variety of belly-filling dishes from basic Foods. It's found on the Food Tab, it requires a Science Machine to prototype, and it costs 3 Cut Stone, 6 Charcoal, and 6 Twigs to build.

Some Crock Pot functionalities have been altered in Uncompromising Mode.

Inedible.png Filler

An ingredient is "filler" if it can be added to a partially prepared recipe without changing the Crock Pot's output. Most recipes call for less than four ingredients, so fillers need to be added to fill the pot.

  • Using 2 or more Inedibles, such as Twigs, will override any dishes and cook into Wet Goop.
  • Using 2 or more Monster foods will cook into Monster Lasanga.
  • Using 2 Ice, or a combination of 1 Ice and 1 Twig will always result in a Snowcone.
  • Forget-Me-Lots and Foliage have 1 Foliage food value, cooking with 2 Foliage value will result in Simple Salad, and using any combination of Foliage with Ice or Inedible, will result in Wet Goop.
  • Butterfly Wings and Scorpion Carapaces have 0.5 Insectoid food value, which has a hard limit of 1 per Crock Pot dish without resulting in Wet Goop.

Monster Meats.png Monster Foods

When preparing a dish, if the total Monster Value of the ingredients is higher than the Meat Value or the Egg Value if no Meat is being used, then the result will always be Monster Lasagna or Deviled Eggs depending on the recipe.

Monster Foods have had their Monster value severely increased in Uncompromising Mode:

Name Monster Value
Monster Meat.png Monster Meat 2
Cooked Monster Meat.png Cooked Monster Meat 2
Monster Jerky.png Monster Jerky 1.5
Monster Morsel.png Monster Morsel 2
Cooked Monster Morsel.png Cooked Monster Morsel 2
Small Monster Jerky.png Small Monster Jerky 1.5
Scorpion Carapace.png Scorpion Carapace 2
Grilled Scorpion Carapace.png Grilled Scorpion Carapace 2
Monster Egg.png Monster Egg 1.5
Cooked Monster Egg.png Cooked Monster Egg 1.5

Meat Diluting

In the Crock Pot, Meat Dilution is when the Meat value is higher or equal to the Monster value, nullifying the Monster value and making the recipe successful.

When cooking, Monster foods will need to be dried for maximum efficiency and diluted with Meat to not result in Monster Lasagna.

For example:

  • Monster Morsel (2 Monster, 0.5 Meat) + Meat (1 Meat) + Filler = Monster Lasagna (2 Monster > 1.5 Meat)
  • Monster Meat (2 Monster, 1 Meat) + Meat (1 Meat) + 2 Filler = Meatballs (2 Monster = 2 Meat)
  • Monster Meat (2 Monster, 1 Meat) + Meat (1 Meat) + Meat (1 Meat) + Frog Legs (0.5 Meat) = Meaty Stew (2 Monster < 3.5 Meat)
  • Meat (1 Meat) + Morsel (0.5 Meat) + Monster Egg (1.5 Monster) + Egg = Bacon and Eggs (1.5 Monster = 1.5 Meat)
  • Meat (1 Meat) + Meat (1 Meat) + Monster Egg (1.5 Monster) + Monster Egg (1.5 Monster) = Monster Lasagna (3 Monster > 2 Meat)

Egg Diluting

If there's no Meat value in the Crock Pot, and Monster Eggs are being used, then the Monster value can be diluted by Egg value instead, following the same rule of Egg value ≥ Monster Value for a successful recipe.

When cooking with no Meat, Monster Eggs will need at least one other common Egg to be diluted and not result in Deviled Eggs.

For example:

  • Monster Egg (1.5 Monster, 1 Egg) + Egg (1 Egg) + 1 Veggie + Filler = Breakfast Skillet (1.5 Monster < 2 Egg)
  • Monster Egg (1.5 Monster, 1 Egg) + Monster Egg (1.5 Monster, 1 Egg) + 2 Filler = Deviled Eggs (3 Monster > 2 Egg)
  • Monster Egg (1.5 Monster, 1 Egg) + Egg (1 Egg) + Egg (1 Egg) + Morsel (0.5 Meat) = Monster Lasagna (Meat is present, so 1.5 Monster > 0.5 Meat)
  • Monster Egg (1.5 Monster, 1 Egg) + Monster Egg (1.5 Monster, 1 Egg) + Egg (1 Egg) + Twigs* (1 Inedible) = Plain Omelette (3 Monster = 3 Egg)

*Note:Though using 2 Monster Eggs will result in Monster Lasagna, because of the Monster value being 3, putting an Inedible ingredient, such as Twigs, in the recipe and following the rules of Egg dilution will make the recipe successful, reason being that Monster Lasagna does not accept Inedible value.

Minimum for Diluting

Here's a list of recipes using the minimum amount of Meat possible to dilute a single Monster food:

Inventory slot background.pngMonster Morsel.pngInventory slot background.png Meat.pngInventory slot background.pngMorsel.pngInventory slot background.pngFiller.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngMeatballs.pngSame for Cooked Monster Morsel.
Inventory slot background.pngSmall Monster Jerky.pngInventory slot background.png Meat.pngInventory slot background.pngFiller.pngInventory slot background.pngFiller.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngMeatballs.png
Inventory slot background.pngScorpion Carapace.pngInventory slot background.png Meat.pngInventory slot background.pngMorsel.pngInventory slot background.pngFiller.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngMeatballs.pngSame for Grilled Scorpion Carapace.
Inventory slot background.pngMonster Meat.pngInventory slot background.png Meat.pngInventory slot background.pngFiller.pngInventory slot background.pngFiller.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngMeatballs.pngSame for Cooked Monster Meat.
Inventory slot background.pngMonster Jerky.pngInventory slot background.png Morsel.pngInventory slot background.pngFiller.pngInventory slot background.pngFiller.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngMeatballs.png
Inventory slot background.pngMonster Egg.pngInventory slot background.png Meat.pngInventory slot background.pngMorsel.pngInventory slot background.pngFiller.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngMeatballs.pngSame for Cooked Monster Egg.
Inventory slot background.pngMonster Egg.pngInventory slot background.png Egg.pngInventory slot background.pngFiller.pngInventory slot background.pngFiller.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngPlaceholder.pngSame for Cooked Monster Egg.

Icon Science.png Recipe

Inventory slot background.pngMonster Meats.pngInventory slot background.png Filler.pngInventory slot background.png Filler.pngInventory slot background.png Filler.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngMonster Lasagna.pngNever use undiluted Monster Meat.
Inventory slot background.pngMonster Meats.pngInventory slot background.pngMonster Meats.pngInventory slot background.pngFiller.pngInventory slot background.pngFiller.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngMonster Lasagna.pngUsing 3 Monster value or more always results in Monster Lasagna as filler penalty.
Inventory slot background.pngEggs.pngInventory slot background.png Monster Foods.pngInventory slot background.pngFiller.pngInventory slot background.pngFiller.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngDeviled Eggs.pngAdding Meat results in Monster Lasagna.
Inventory slot background.pngMonster Meat.pngInventory slot background.pngMonster Meat.pngInventory slot background.pngFiller.pngInventory slot background.pngFiller.pngPortable Crock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngMonster Tartare.pngRequires 4 Monster Value.
Inventory slot background.pngMonster Meats.pngInventory slot background.png Twigs.pngInventory slot background.pngFiller.pngInventory slot background.pngFiller.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngKabobs.pngFiller can't be Inedible. Doesn't need to be diluted with Meat. Monster value must be lower than 4.
Inventory slot background.pngScorpion Carapace.pngInventory slot background.pngScorpion Carapace.pngInventory slot background.pngVeggies.pngInventory slot background.pngFiller.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngHard Shell Tacos.pngDoesn't need to be diluted with Meat.

Crock Pot.png Example Recipes

Inventory slot background.pngMonster Morsel.pngInventory slot background.png Twigs.pngInventory slot background.pngBerries.pngInventory slot background.pngBerries.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngKabobs.png
Inventory slot background.pngMonster Jerky.pngInventory slot background.png Morsel.pngInventory slot background.pngEgg.pngInventory slot background.pngEgg.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngBacon and Eggs.pngCannot use fresh Monster Meat.
Inventory slot background.pngCooked Monster Egg.pngInventory slot background.pngCooked Monster Egg.pngInventory slot background.pngKoalefant Trunk.pngInventory slot background.pngTwigs.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngBacon and Eggs.pngFourth Ingredient needs to be Inedible to avoid making Monster Lasagna.
Inventory slot background.pngCooked Monster Meat.pngInventory slot background.png Cooked Meat.pngInventory slot background.pngHoney.pngInventory slot background.pngIce.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngHoney Ham.png
Inventory slot background.pngCooked Monster Morsel.pngInventory slot background.png Cooked Morsel.pngInventory slot background.pngCooked Meat.pngInventory slot background.pngHoney.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngHoney Ham.png
Inventory slot background.pngCooked Monster Meat.pngInventory slot background.png Drumstick.pngInventory slot background.png Drumstick.pngInventory slot background.pngBerries.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngTurkey Dinner.png
Inventory slot background.pngMonster Meat.pngInventory slot background.png Raw Fish.pngInventory slot background.png Raw Fish.pngInventory slot background.png Raw Fish.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngSurf 'n' Turf.png
Inventory slot background.pngMonster Meat.pngInventory slot background.png Meat.pngInventory slot background.png Meat.pngInventory slot background.pngFrog Legs.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngMeaty Stew.png

Horrible.png Horrible Foods

Below is a list of food items that can't be consumed by player characters (with the exception of Winky), but can be consumed by Pigs, Spiders, Hounds, Rats and other specific mobs. That group of items is known as "Horrible Foods".

Item Hunger Meter.png Sanity Meter.png Health Meter.png
Bunny Puff.png +10 0 +10
Cat Tail.png +9 +7 +9
Eternal Fruitcake.png +4 +6 +9
Glommer's Wings.png +10 0 +10
Ham Bat.png +10 0 +10
Pig Skin.png +10 0 +10
Rat Tail.png +5 0 0
Rice Grains.png +9.8 0 0
Shroom Skin.png +10 0 +10
Shroom Skin Scrap.png +1 0 0
Slurper Pelt.png +10 0 +10
Snowball.png +1 0 0
Tentacle Spots.png +10 0 +10
Widow's Head.png +10 0 +10

Crock Pot.png New Recipes for the Crock Pot

The following is a list of the new Crock Pot recipes of Uncompromising Mode.

Under Ingredients, icons with a numeric value (like 1.0) represent any ingredient from that food group. Icons without values are specific ingredients. Required ingredients are the minimum food items to make a dish, and attempting to fill a dish with restricted ingredients would lead to a different dish.

Visual Reminder
Vegetables.png Vegetables Meats.png Meats Fruit.png Fruits Fishes.png Fishes Eggs.png Eggs
Sweetener.png Sweeteners Monster Foods.png Foods Dairy product.png Dairy Foliages.png Foliage Inedible.png Inedible
Icon Dish Hunger Sanity Health Max perish time (days) Cook time (sec) Priority Recipe Special Effects
Ingredients Notes
Beefalo Wings.png Beefalo Wings 62.5 30 30 10d 48s 20 Beefalo Horn.pngx1 + Batilisk Wings.pngx2 + Vegetables.pngx0.5 No Fruit.png Knockback Immunity for 0.5 Days
Boomberry Pancakes.png Boomberry Pancakes 75 20 5 15d 36s 20 Boomberry.pngx1 + Eggs.pngx1.5
California King.png California King 62.5 -15 3 10d 40s 30 Wobster.pngx1 + Ice.png×1 + Barnacle.pngx1+ Pepper.pngx1 Hay Fever Immunity for 4 Days
Deviled Eggs.png Deviled Eggs 18.75 -20 -15 6d 10s 52 Monster Foods.png + Eggs.png No Meats.png
Devils Fruit Cake.png Devils Fruit Cake 62.5 -0.6 60 15d 40s 1 Pomegranates.pngx1 + Eggs.pngx2 No Meats.png Increases temperature by 10 degrees over 10 seconds.
Gloomberry Jam.png Gloomberry Jam 37.5 15 40 20d 36s 30 Gloomberry.pngx1 + Boomberry.pngx1 No

Monster Foods.pngInedible.png

Summon 6 Friendly Viperlings
Hard Shell Tacos.png Hard Shell Tacos 37.5 5 20 15d 20s 30 Scorpion Carapace.pngx2 + Veggies.pngx0.5
Liceloaf.png Liceloaf 62.5 0 0 30d 24s 30 Rice Grains.pngx2 No Inedible.png
Seafood Paella.png Seafood Paella 75 60 20 6d 20s 30 Wobster.pngx1 + Rice Grains.pngx1 + Vegetables.pngx1.0 No

Monster Foods.pngInedible.png

Hay Fever Immunity for 3 Days
Simple Salad.png Simple Salad 6.25 5 3 4d 8s 20 Foliages.pngx2
Snot Roast.png Snot Roast 150 5 3 10d 36s 30 Koalefant Trunks.pngx1 + Potatoes.pngx1 + Onions.pngx1 + Carrots.pngx1 -50% Hunger Drain for for 4 Days
Snowcone.png Snowcone 9.375 5 3 4d 10s 0.5 Ice.pngx1 / Twigs.pngx1 + Ice.pngx1 Lowers temperature by 5 degrees for 5 seconds.
Steamed Ham Sandwich.png Steamed Hams 37.5 15 40 6d 20s 30 Meat.pngx1 + Foliages.pngx1 + Veggies.pngx1.5 No

Morsels.pngMonster Foods.pngInedible.png

Stuffed Peeper Poppers.png Stuffed Peeper Poppers 37.5 -15 -3 8d 36s 52 Durians.pngx1 + Milky Whites.pngx1 + Monster Foods.pngx1 No Inedible.png Summons 2 Hardy Peepers
Theater Corn.png Theater Corn 37.5 0-75 20 20d 36s 30 Popcorn.pngx1 / Corn.pngx2 + Butter.pngx1 3 Produced Gain Sanity From Nearby Fighting Mobs
Zaspberry Parfait.png Zazpberry Parfait 37.5 15 40 4d 36s 30 Zaspberry.pngx1 + Dairy product.pngx1 + Sweetener.pngx1 No

Monster Foods.pngInedible.png

Shock attackers for 1 Day

Prototype.png Tips

  • Kabobs can be a nice way to discard Monster Meat without the need of Meat dilution, as it triumphs over lasagna due to lasagna not allowing twigs.
    • To maximize monster meat used, try to use Monster Morsels instead of Monster Meat, as the Morsels require more meat to be diluted and thus are not as easy to cook with. Use one Monster Morsel, and then only one Monster Egg or dried Monster Morsel.
  • Dried monster meat is always better than the raw/cooked one. If a recipe works with raw/cooked Monster Meat, the result will be the same using the dried versions.
  • Sometimes you will just have far too much monster meat/morsels to cook with, and rather than letting it go off and attract rats, you could cook it all up to make monster lasagna, and then sleep to offset the hunger and sanity loss while still having a net hunger gain.
    • You could also attempt to freshen up the resulting lasagna by transforming 3 of the monster foods into fresh monster eggs, and cooking any remaining monster meat.
  • Monster Morsels can be exchanged for Monster Eggs, which only need 1 common Egg to be usable if no Meat is included in the recipe. Otherwise, since Pierogi is impossible to cook with default mod settings because of the 1.5 Veggie value requirement, Bacon and Eggs is the only dish that can be made and it can be achieved normally by just adding a common Egg, and 1.5 Meat to the recipe.
  • Using the Craft Pot mod is highly recommended, but be aware that sometimes it fails to predict the result; a blank prediction suggests lasagna.

Feather Pencil.png Credits

Idea Scrimbles Scrimbles.png
Code Scrimbles Scrimbles.png

New Gameplay Mechanics
Balance Changes Altered BiomesCharacter RebalancesCrock PotFoodItemsMiscellaneousMobs (Boss Reworks) • Plants
Characters WinkyWathomWixie
Weather Giant Tornado • Heatwave • Snowstorm
Seasons No new seasons.
Mechanics CraftingKnockbackNight TerrorsRat RaidsVeteran's Curse
Other Console CommandsMod CompatibilitySet Pieces