Giant Redwood

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Winona Portrait.png
We're not chopping that one down any time soon.

Winona, when inspecting a Giant Redwood.

Giant Redwood Trees can be found in the Hooded Forest. They can be chopped for a chance at twigs, logs, eggs, and feathers. These items can all fall down from the tree, similar to earthquakes in the caves, if something lands on your head it will damage you for 20hp. Spiders, can also spawn when chopping Giant Redwood, however they rappel down, like dangling depth dwellers. When the tree can no longer be chopped it will have chop marks and sap leaking out.

Infested Giant Redwoods also appear in the Hooded Forest, these infested trees spawn Aphids around them and when chopping, Aphids spawned this way are highly aggressive and spawn in large numbers. The infestation can be removed by chopping it until it can no longer be chopped.

Giant Redwoods have very large canopies, this prevents objects under them from lighting on fire, even objects that would normally able to be lit on fire by the player will no longer be able to smolder. Campfires and fire pits still work however.

Feathers dropped will be jet, saffron, and crimson feathers in every season, but crimson feathers will be replaced by azure feathers in winter.

Prototype.png Tips

  • Chopping at a Giant Redwood can be an easy way to get feathers and eggs early on, when you don't have a bird trap or bird cage.
  • Basing in the hooded forest in summer is a great way to avoid wild fires.
  • When clearing Infested Giant Redwood trees it's a good idea to have Snapdragons, Fruit Bats, or a trap to eat or capture any Aphids.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Giant Redwoods were added in the Hooded Forest update.
  • In the code Giant Redwoods were also planned to drop entire beehives, this is however not the case in game.

Mosquito.png Bugs

  • Deleting Giant Redwood's with the console will cause the game to crash for unknown reasons
  • When examining Infested Giant Redwoods, they're just called "Redwood".

Blueprint.png Gallery

New Naturally spawning world objects
Plants Boomberry RootGiant RedwoodLarge FernRice PlantWide Grass
Mob Housing Inconspicuous MoundPitcher PlantRat BurrowSnow Pile
Resources Sea Sludge
Inanimate Marsh BushThermal VentSilky CocoonSnap-TrapMelancholic Skull
Items Broken ToyLost DollMoon TearTrinkets
Changed Existing Resources New Natural Resources
Other Set Pieces