Mod Compatibility

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Uncompromising Mode aims to be compatible with most of the workshop. This page documents every substantial change Uncompromising Mode does when paired with other mods.

Modded Skins API Icon.png[API] Modded Skins

Mods in Menu Icon.png[API] Mods in Menu

  • Uncompromising Mode's Characters are visible in the menu and have Compendium entries of them with lore, birth dates, etc.

Black Death Icon.pngBlack Death

  • You can no longer regain max health while sleeping if you are plagued with the Black Plague.
  • Pinelings and Night Terror creatures can't be infected by the Black Plague.
  • Rats are always infected with the plague.

Celestial Tools Icon.pngCelestial Tools

  • Wixie is able to craft and use the Enlightened Rounds via the Celestial Altar.
Inventory slot background.pngMoon Shard.pngInterface arrow right.pngInventory slot background.pngEnlightened Rounds.png


Wixie Portrait.png

Cherry Forest Icon.pngCherry Forest

Glommer.png See also: Hand Held Hive

It is a ranged Veteran's Curse weapon that converts any type of Bees inserted in it into shoot-able Bullet Hibeescus, which are frail, but will continuously deal more poison damage every hit.

For more information about the Hand Held Hibeescus Hive, go to Cherry Forest's wiki page by clicking here.

Werebeaver Head.pngClassic Curse Woodie

  • Restored the Wereness gain from chopping to 3 per chop from 1.5 per chop when using the Classic Curse Woodie mod.

Feast and Famine Icon.pngFeast and Famine

  • When fed with Monster Meat, Birds in a Birdcage will drop Monstruous Egg.pngMonstrous Eggs instead of Monster Egg.pngMonster Eggs which have the same cooking properties, but have different stats.
  • Red Treecap.pngBlue Treecap.pngGreen Treecap.png Mushroom Treecaps and all their Sporing Red Treecap.pngSporing Blue Treecap.pngSporing Green Treecap.png Sporing variants can be used in the Air Conditioner.

Flaire The Spellblade Icon.pngFlaire The Spellblade (DST!)

  • Flaire gains +3 Sanity Meter.png each time she casts a spell (excluding Gleam). Only +0.6 Sanity Meter.png is gained if the spell was chain-cast.
  • Dark Swords only drain -5 Sanity Meter.png/minute when wielded by Flaire (compared to -20 Sanity Meter.png/minute). This can be further reduced with a Top Hat, making it drain -0.66 Sanity Meter.png/minute.
  • While Guard is active, equipped armour takes 25% less damage from attacks (or 37.5% less if Guard was cast with Lightning Aspect). If multiple pieces of armor are worn, the absorption is split between all of them.


  • Deerclops, Wilting Dragonfly and Mother Goose boss timers now work.
  • A fix for food stats is coming from Insight in the future.

Island Adventures Icon.pngIsland Adventures

  • Island Adventures and Uncompromising Mode are best partners! Uncomp has worldgen compatibility with the mod and will automatically disable features that do not fit (Seasonal Bosses, weather events, Night Terrors, etc.)
  • Hooded Forest spawns as its own island.
  • Tornadoes spawn during Hurricane Season.
  • Volcano Meteors and Krissures spawn Smog during Dry Season.
  • Wixie can craft Obsidian Rounds, Marble Rounds with Limestone, and Stick-a-Rounds with Tar instead of Sea Sludge. She can also use coconuts as ammo.
  • Totally Normal Jungle Trees now have tentacle vine attack.
  • Some items are interchangeable with equivalent Island Adventures' items in crafting recipes.
    • Sea Sludge recipes can also use Tar.
    • Rocky Hide recipes can also use Shark Fin.
    • Mosquito Sack recipes can also use Yellow Mosquito Sack.
  • Some Uncompromising Mode craftables change recipes when in Island Adventures.
    • Brine Balm now accepts Sea Weed as a replacement for Kelp.
    • Goose Mask now accepts Doydoy Feathers as a replacement for Goose Feathers.
    • Sulfur Extract now accepts Empty Bottles as a replacement for normal bottles.
    • Matilda now accepts an Ox Horn instead of Driftwood, and Vines instead of Catcoon tails.

Rift Together Icon.pngRatchet and Clank: Rift Together

  • The Respirator has the same properties as a Goose Mask, protecting against Toadstool's Spore Clouds and Smog.
  • Moonmaw Dragonfly is immune to radiation, plus it spreads radiation clouds and increase radiation on-hit with most attacks.
  • Shard-Scale Armor provides 15% radiation protection and stacks.
  • Uncompromising Mode's new Clockwork mobs are now considered to have an "Armored Body", meaning that when attacked by non-reinforced or non-magical weapons, each attack will drain 4 durability instead of 1.
  • If the mod Shoetime is enabled, Hover Boots will be obtainable. When equipped, Hover Boots allows the player to ignore Snap-Traps.

Sailing Rebalance Icon.pngSailing Rebalance

  • Sailing Rebalance, a mod by the Developer Atoba Azul, was almost fully merged into Uncompromising Mode; with a few additional tweaks.

Status Announcements Icon.pngStatus Announcements

  • Uncompromising Mode's Characters have unique quotes sent to the chat when announcing.

Winky.png Winky Announcements

Hunger Meter.png Hunger

  • Full (Over 75%)- "Gluttony..."
  • High (Over 55%)- "Not very hungry."
  • Mid (Over 35%)- "My stomach hurts."
  • Low (Over 15%)- "Urgh... where is my dinner?"
  • Empty (Less than 15%)- "I will eat a rat if I have to!"

Sanity Meter.png Sanity

  • Full (Over 75%)- "No thoughts, head empty."
  • High (Over 55%)- "I think I dropped something."
  • Mid (Over 35%)- "Something does not feel right."
  • Low (Over 15%)- "Are these rats real?"
  • Empty (Less than 15%)- "Crazy? I am not!"

Health Meter.png Health

  • Full (100%)- "I think I am fine."
  • High (Over 75%)- "I feel some pain."
  • Mid (Over 50%)- "Take a hit for me or something."
  • Low (Over 25%)- "What have I done to deserve this? Do not answer that."
  • Empty (Less than 25%)- "SQUEAK!!!"

Wetness Meter.png Wetness

  • Full (Over 75%)- "I am like a big wet rag now..."
  • High (Over 55%)- "All this water is terrible!"
  • Mid (Over 35%)- "My fur is getting heavy."
  • Low (Over 15%)- "I do not like being wet."
  • Empty (Less than 15%)- "Rain. I hate it."

Wathom.pngWathom Announcements

Hunger Meter.png Hunger

  • Full (Over 75%)- "Sated."
  • High (Over 55%)- "Soon, hunt."
  • Mid (Over 35%)- "Hunt goes on."
  • Low (Over 15%)- "Starving."
  • Empty (Less than 15%)- "Food! Dire!"

Sanity Meter.png Sanity

  • Full (Over 75%)- "Sane."
  • High (Over 55%)- "Sane enough."
  • Mid (Over 35%)- "Faux whispers, audible."
  • Low (Over 15%)- "Abyss beckoning."
  • Empty (Less than 15%)- "No going back! Abyss be damned!!"

Health Meter.png Health

  • Full (100%)- "Stabilized."
  • High (Over 75%)- "I am fine."
  • Mid (Over 50%)- "Keep going! Keep going!"
  • Low (Over 25%)- "Can't go on."
  • Empty (Less than 25%)- "Fuel, leaking!!"

Wetness Meter.png Wetness

  • Full (Over 75%)- "I hate it here."
  • High (Over 55%)- "Worst fear, realized."
  • Mid (Over 35%)- "Suffering."
  • Low (Over 15%)- "All water, drip to abyss."
  • Empty (Less than 15%)- "Good."

Adrenaline Meter.png Adrenaline (Unused)

  • Full (100%)- "GRRRRRAAAAAHH!"
  • High (Over 75%)- "Amp! Amp! Amp!"
  • Mid (Over 50%)- "Fight! Fight!"
  • Low (Over 25%)- "Fuel entropy, near zero."
  • Empty (Less than 25%)- "Huff... Puff..."

Wixie.pngWixie Announcements

Hunger Meter.png Hunger

  • Full (Over 75%)- "I'm pretty full now."
  • High (Over 55%)- "Not sharing my food with anyone!"
  • Mid (Over 35%)- "Got any food? Doesn't matter, give it to me!"
  • Low (Over 15%)- "I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!"
  • Empty (Less than 15%)- "I'd kill for a meal right now!"

Sanity Meter.png Sanity

  • Full (Over 75%)- "Never felt better!"
  • High (Over 55%)- "Feeling a little trapped in my head."
  • Mid (Over 35%)- "Ugh, can't get these thoughts out of my head!"
  • Low (Over 15%)- "The world is closing in around me!"
  • Empty (Less than 15%)- "Shove off! Leave me alone for once!"

Health Meter.png Health

  • Full (100%)- "Feeling pretty good."
  • High (Over 75%)- "Some bruises and scratches, nothing I can't handle."
  • Mid (Over 50%)- "All this rough-housing is starting to get to me!"
  • Low (Over 25%)- "I want to go home!"
  • Empty (Less than 25%)- "Charles..."

Wetness Meter.png Wetness

  • Full (Over 75%)- "Am I melting?! I feel like I'm melting!"
  • High (Over 55%)- "That's quite enough rain, is it not?"
  • Mid (Over 35%)- "I don't like being drenched by all this water..."
  • Low (Over 15%)- "Rain, rain, go away!"
  • Empty (Less than 15%)- "I hate the rain."

Unlockable Sunken Chest Icon.pngUnlockable Sunken Chest

  • Has compatibility with Sailing Rebalance.

Upgradeable Chest Icon.pngUpgradeable Chest

  • There is a compatibility option within the mod's configuration screen that makes only the Scaled Chest upgradeable when enabled.
  • Instead of starting with Uncompromising Mode's 25 slots, the Scaled Chest starts with vanilla's 12 slots, but can be upgraded with 10 Boards to increase the storage size to 30 slots.
New Gameplay Mechanics
Balance Changes Altered BiomesCharacter RebalancesCrock PotFoodItemsMiscellaneousMobs (Boss Reworks) • Plants
Characters WinkyWathomWixie
Weather Giant Tornado • Heatwave • Snowstorm
Seasons No new seasons.
Mechanics CraftingKnockbackNight TerrorsRat RaidsVeteran's Curse
Other Console CommandsMod CompatibilitySet Pieces