Rocky Hide

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Wormwood Portrait.png
Chomper skin


Rocky Hide is a resource dropped by Rockjaws. They drop one each, and it is used to craft two new items, the Rock Hide Armor and the Sludge Sack. Rocky Hide is not edible by the player or mobs, and it can also be traded to Pig King for 4 Gold Nuggets each.

Icon Science.pngRecipes

Inventory slot background.pngLog Suit.pngInventory slot background.png Rocky Hide.pngInventory slot background.pngSea Sludge.png


Interface arrow right.pngInventory slot background.pngRock Hide Armor.png
Inventory slot background.pngSea Sludge.png


Inventory slot background.png Rocky Hide.pngInventory slot background.png Rocky Hide.pngInventory slot background.pngRope.pngInventory slot background.pngRope.pngInventory slot background.pngRope.pngInterface arrow right.pngInventory slot background.pngSludge Sack.png
Inventory slot background.pngRocky Hide.pngPig King Icon.pngInventory slot background.pngGold Nugget.png



  • Fish Food can be used to speed up the spawning of Rockjaws.



New Items and Structures dropped by Mobs
Food GloomberryMonster MorselScorpion CarapaceZaspberry
Crafting Resources Enlightened ScalesLong PigRat TailShroom Skin ScrapSnowball
Loot Frozen PincerInert Infused Moon ChunkPied Pipers PipeShadow CrownSunglassesWidow's ClawWidow's Head
Veteran Curse Items Bearger ClawCrab ClawCursed AntlerFeather FrockGore HornHand Held HiveNaught LockSlobber Lobber
Indirect Shadow TonicSkull FlaskVomitWhisper Pod