Shadow Creatures

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I don't know what they want. They... they just watch.


Shadow Creatures have been reworked in the Uncompromising Mode and new ones have been introduced.

Additionally, some overall mechanics related to Shadow Creatures were changed:

  • Shadow Creatures will begin to spawn when the player's Sanity drops below 82.5%.
  • Shadow Creatures turn aggressive when players reach 20% sanity or lower originally 15%.
  • The Shadow Creature limit has been increased to 4 from 3.
  • If the player becomes sane while fighting, Shadow Creatures will not despawn. If the player becomes insane again, the Shadow Creatures will regain aggression and any lost health from the previous encounter will persist.
  • Reduced Shadow Creature loot to 1 Nightmare fuel; originally 1 Nightmare Fuel + 50% chance of 1 Nightmare Fuel.
  • If a player kills a Shadow Creature, nearby players are given sanity in addition to the killer.
    • The killer receives all of the Sanity the Shadow Creature provides on death.
    • Players with 20% Sanity or less are given 50% of the sanity gain of the killed Shadow Creature.
    • Players with 21% Sanity or more are given 25% of the sanity gain of the killed Shadow Creature.

Crawling Horror

The Crawling Horror the most common of the Shadow Creatures has been tweaked.

  • When attacked, the Crawling Horror will release several Nightmare Ink before teleporting away.
    • Nightmare ink is lobbed from the Crawling Horror and deals 10 damage on impact. In addition, they blind the player similar to the Skittersquid.
  • Reduced Sanity restoration of Crawling Horror to 10 Sanity Meter.png; originally 15.


Nightmare Ink was originally named "Faz Goo"; after a wiki writer insisted over the "official names" a developer hapazardly named them such. Despite both the aforementioned writer and developer's pleas, the rest of the team named them differently.


the Terrorbeak has been tweaked to become stronger.

  • Terrorbeaks will attack before performing a taunt and teleporting.
    • Combined with them running at the same speed as a player with a Walking Cane this makes it impossible to get away from them. The only way to dodge the attack is to run away from the Terrorbeak at an angle.
  • Reduced Sanity restoration of Terrorbeak to 20 Sanity Meter.png; originally 33.

Dread Eye

The Dread Eye is a large eye-like Shadow Creature with writhing tentacles flourishing from its eye body.

  • In addition to their basic attack, the Dread Eye may spawn a mass of Shadow Spikes in a moderate radius from themselves, dealing 28 damage each.
    • Shadow Spikes can damage Sane players.
  • After reaching a certain health threshold, the Dread Eye will teleport away and disguise itself as a random object such as Trees, Boulders, or Grass Tufts.
    • While hiding, Shadow Eyes will spawn nearby the player.
    • If the Dread Eye is attacked, they will exit their hiding state.
      • If they are not found for an extended period of time, the Dread Eye will heal 100 HP and resume attacking.
  • Dread Eyes restore 20 Sanity Meter.png and drop 1 Nightmare Fuel when killed.

Shadow Eye

The Shadow Eye is oblong in shape and lays on the ground. Shadow Eyes exist as result of the Dread Eye.

  • When Dread Eye hides, they will spawn nearby the player. They will play the same melody as Shadow Hands until they are approached. In this state, they don't pose a threat. However, if approached, the Shadow Eye will bulge out of the ground and will begin dealing -1 Health Meter.png/second.
    • Against players with 21% sanity or more, Shadow Eyes will instead deal -2 Sanity Meter.png/second.
  • Shadow Eyes are invulnerable and cannot be targeted.
  • When the Dread Eye exits their hiding state in any manner, all associated Shadow Eyes will immediately despawn.

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Creeping Fear

The Creeping Fear is a boss that only shows themselves if a player's sanity is 0%. So long as there isn't a boss creature nearby, Creeping Fear will always have a chance show themselves.

The Creeping Fear has three attacks:

  1. The first one is a simple bite with a long reach that forces it to stand still.
  2. The second one is a long range straight line AoE where it'll make Shadow Spikes come from the ground in a straight line in front of it towards the player three times in a row. Each shadow spikes does 60 damage.
  3. In the third one it will summon several Shadow Tentacles around it that will attack the player. Shadow tentacles act similarly to normal tentacle. They will attack nearby players and drain sanity per second. They cannot move and will disappear after seconds.

The Creeping Fear drops 3 Nightmare Fuel and restores Sanity by 25% of the character's max sanity +10 when killed, which is enough to cause Shadow Creatures to become neutral again.


Trepidation is a large Shadow Mini boss. It spawns in the Ruins and will begin to attack players when their sanity is below 50%. It can also stick its legs through shadowy portals which makes the legs act like individual enemies that don't move.

If the Trepidation spots the player, regardless of Sanity, it will begin to follow them. It will not harm the player if they are sane, but it has a small insanity aura, which can drain the player's sanity by up to -25/min if they are standing close enough, and it will turn hostile if the player's sanity drops low enough.

If a player is sane but attempts to harm a Trepidation, it will become hostile and begin to attack the player as normal. Harming a Trepidation while sane is not recommended as the sanity loss from its aura is usually minor or manageable, and it's quite powerful and will chase you for a long time, so fighting it when you don't have to is not the best idea.

For most characters without any speed buffs, it's difficult to attack it and then dodge its attacks, thus it is recommended to bait out an attack before attempting to hit it.

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Blueprint.png Gallery

Hostile Creatures AbominamoleAdult BatiliskAlpha Volt GoatAphidBush CrabClockwork AmalgamDamaged PawnDepths EelDepths ViperGlacial HoundLightning HoundMagma HoundPawn (Damaged) • Pineling (Birchling) • Shadow CreaturesScorpionSpore HoundToadlingTrapdoor Spider
Boss Monsters Hooded WidowMoonmaw DragonflyMother GooseWilting Dragonfly
Neutral Animals Pied PiperRat (Pack Rat) • Snapdragon (Snap Buddy)
Passive Animals Fruit BatNymphWoodpecker
Critters Figgy
Changed Mobs Balance Changes/MobsBoss ReworksDeerclops