Balance Changes/Mobs

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The list of all the Balance Changes to Mobs that already exist in Don't Starve Together that have been modified by Uncompromising Mode in some way. Just like the base game, many of these changes are configurable and can be disabled or personalized to one's liking.

Rabbit.png Passive Animals

  • Beardling.png Beardling
  • Chester.png Chester -NOTE: Temporarily Disabled for future fixing!
    • If 9 Desert Stones are placed into his 9 slots, he will transform into Lazy Chester.pngLazy Chester upon a Full moon.
      • Lazy Chester will collect items within a certain radius.
        • Will only stack items of the same type off the ground that are stored in him.
  • Gobbler.png Gobbler
    • Runs towards food on the ground; originally walked.
      • Gobblers spawn as Starving Gobblers. (Legacy Option, Off by Default)
        • While normally passive, they turn aggressive versus any players which are holding Berries.
        • They 20 damage and knock all Berries out of the player's inventory.
        • Increased Health to 200; originally 50.
        • Starving Gobblers no longer despawn in when entering Berry Bushes at Dusk, but instead hide if there are no Berries nearby.
        • After eating 3 berries, they turn back to normal Gobblers, which they no longer attack, despawn when entering a Berry Bush.
  • Grass Gekko.png Grass Gekko
    • Grass Gekko Item.png Can now be caught on traps and be added to the player's inventory.
    • Drops a Grass Tuft on death.
  • Redbird.png Caged Birds
    • Provides Monster Eggs when fed any form of Monster Meat or Monster Morsel.
  • Wobster.png Wobsters
    • Cannot be baited by an empty Lure.

Ocean Fishes

The amount of meat dropped by Ocean Fish now varies based on both species and size. Bigger and heavier fish drop considerably more meat than smaller and lighter ones.

Fish Loot Additional Loot
Runty Guppy Land.webp Runty Guppy 1 Fish Morsel
Needlenosed Squirt Land.webp Needlenosed Squirt 1 Fish Morsel
Smolt Fry Land.webp Smolt Fry 1 Fish Morsel
Scorching Sunfish Land.png Scorching Sunfish 1 Cooked Fish Morsel
Popperfish Land.png Popperfish 1 Popcorn 2 Corn Seeds
Bitty Baitfish Land.webp Bitty Baitfish 2 Fish Morsels
Spittlefish Land.webp Spittlefish 2 Fish Morsel
Fallounder Land.webp Fallounder 1 Leafy Meat
Bloomfin Tuna Land.webp Bloomfin Tuna 1 Leafy Meat
Mudfish Land.webp Mudfish 1 Fish Meat
Deep Bass Land.webp Deep Bass 1 Fish Meat
Dappled Koi Land.webp Dappled Koi 2 Fish Meat
Golden Koi Land.webp Golden Koi 2 Fish Meat
Ice Bream Land.webp Ice Bream 2 Fish Meat 2 Ice
Sweetish Fish Land.webp Sweetish Fish 2 FIsh Meat 2 Honey
Black Catfish Land.webp Black Catfish 2 Fish Meat 1 Fish Morsel
Corn Cod Land.webp Corn Cod 2 Corn 1 Corn Seeds
Dandy Lionfish Land.webp Dandy Lion Fish 3 Fish Meat 1 Fish Morsel
  • Fish caught by the Fishing Net will have their weight set to their minimum.
  • Fish whose weight is in the <25th percentile provide one less drop from the "Loot" tab in the table above.
    • Fish will still provide at least 1 drop from the "Loot" tab in the table above.
  • Fish whose weight is in the ≥75th percentile provide one more drop from the "Loot" tab in the table above.
  • Dandy Lionfish, Dappled Koi, Golden Koi, Bitty Baitfish, Fallounder, and Bloonfin Tuna are offered triple Gold by Pig King.

Pig.png Neutral Animals

  • Bee.png Bees, Killer Bees, and Grumble Bees
    • Will target mobs who have been stung by other Bees.
    • Bees and Killer Bees no longer drop honey.
    • Striking players will reduce the Sneeze timer during Spring. (Only if Hay Fever is enabled in the options)
  • Beefalo.png Beefalo
    • Added a Charge Attack.
      • Telegraphed by roaring on their hind legs, they will bolt at the speed of a charging Rook without turning until they've hit a mob or ran a certain distance, dealing 34 damage.
      • Performing the charge will refresh their attack period, meaning they will be able to attack again.
  • Bunnyman.png Bunnyman
    • Attacks players that hammer their Bunny Hutches.
    • Will not attack other Bunnymen.
    • Respawn interval increased to 3 days; originally 1.
  • Catcoon.png Catcoon
    • Increased Health to 375; originally 150.
    • Increased Cat Tail drop chance 100%; originally 33%.
    • Increased Attack Period to 2; originally 1.
    • Decreased Leap Attack Range changed to 2-2.67; originally 3-4.
      • Hisses before performing Leap.
    • Attacks kill Rats in a single strike.
  • Koalefant.png Koalefant
    • Health is increased to 2000; originally 1000.
    • Added Trunk Honk
      • Forces the dropping of any items occupying the player's hand slot.
    • Added a Charge Attack.
      • Telegraphed by the hoof dragging, they will bolt at the speed of a charging Rook without turning until they've hit a mob or ran a certain distance, dealing 50 damage.
      • Performing a charge will refresh their attack period.
    • Added a Counter Attack.
      • Every instance of damage against an idling Koalefant has a chance to provoke a counter attack.
      • Telegraphed by a hop, they deal 50 damage in an AOE radius.
      • Performing the counter attack will refresh their attack period.
  • Pengull.png Pengull
    • Attacks mobs that enter their nesting grounds.
  • Pig.png Pig
    • Attack players that hammer their Pig Houses.
    • Will not attack other Pigs.
    • Added a Counter Attack.
      • Provoked after 4-6 hits.
      • Telegraphed by an angry and hunched posture, they uppercut the player, Knockbacking them and dealing 1 damage.
        • This is followed by a subsequent, non-turning rush until they've hit the player or ran a certain distance, dealing 34 damage.
      • Performing the counter attack after their second strike will refresh their attack period.
    • Modded Items Filter.png Optional changes:
    • Slurtle.webp Slurtle
      • Health reduced to 600; originally 1,200.
      • Increased drop rate of Shellmets to 75%; originally 10%.
      • Decreased attack interval by 37.5%.
    • Snurtle.webp Snurtle
      • Health reduced to 100; originally 200.
      • Decreased attack interval by 37.5%.

Spider.png Hostile Creature

  • Clockwork Knight.png Clockwork Knight, Bishop, and Rook
    • Now immune to fire and won't panic when standing atop fire.
  • Batilisk.png Batilisk
    • When spawning from Sinkholes, they will immediately disperse.
    • Drops changed from Monster Morsel; originally Monster Meat.
    • Batilisk Wings drop rate changed to 15%; originally 25%.
  • Frog.png Frog
    • Eats live Butterflies and Food on the ground.
    • During Autumn of the second year, Sickly Toads spawn.
      • Yellow in appearance, they spawn a Spore Cloud upon death.
  • Hound.png Hound
    • Blue Hound.png Blue Hound
      • Attacking will apply freezing.
        • It takes 2 strikes to freeze a player.
    • Red Hound.png Red Hound
      • Attacks will set mobs/players on fire.
    • Horror Hound.png Horror Hound
      • Have 150 health instead of 100.
      • Move 20% faster than regular hounds.
      • Attack every 2 seconds like regular hounds, instead of every 2.5 seconds.
  • Krampus.png Krampus
    • Added a Drop Kick
      • Telegraphed by a short hop and leaning on their bag, they knockback, dealing 50 damage.
  • MacTusk.png Mactusk
    • Added a Slap
      • Deals Knockback.
    • Throws Snap-Traps at the player.
      • Underhanded throws are lobbed in a short range. Overhand throws go further.
      • Snap-Traps eventually Destroy themselves.
  • Mosquito.png Mosquito
    • Turns yellow during Spring.
    • Striking players will reduce the Sneeze timer during Spring. (Only if Hay Fever is enabled in the options)
  • Guardian Pig.png Guardian Pigs
    • Attacks Walls near them.
    • Added a Counter Attack
      • Equal in nature to Pigman's.
    • 4 Pig Torches are generated near Pig King, and will spawn Pig King Guards.
      • Pig King Guards will warn players to behave while in the presence of the king.
      • Pig King Guards will remember the player as an enemy if they perform hostile actions such as:
        • Staying too near Pig King at night
        • Killing Pigmen
        • Hammering Pig Houses
        • Killing all Pig King Guards is the only way to pacify the future guards.
  • Spider.png Spider
    • Leaps like Spider Warriors, except they only do it within a shorter range.
    • Drops changed to Monster Morsel; originally Monster Meat.
  • Spider Warrior.png Spider Warriors and Dangling Depth Dweller.pngDepth Dwellers
    • Added a Counter Attack.
    • Changed drops to Monster Meat + 50% for Silk or 50% for Spider Gland; originally 50% for Monster Meat or 25% for Silk or 25% for Spider Gland.
  • Nurse Spider.png Nurse Spider
    • Health is decreased to 200 from 400.
    • Healing to Webber is decreased to 5; originally 8.
  • Ancient Sentrypede.png Ancient Sentrypede
  • Werepig.png Werepig
    • Prioritizes attacking mobs and walls versus eating.
Hostile Creatures AbominamoleAdult BatiliskAlpha Volt GoatAphidBush CrabClockwork AmalgamDamaged PawnDepths EelDepths ViperGlacial HoundLightning HoundMagma HoundPawn (Damaged) • Pineling (Birchling) • Shadow CreaturesScorpionSpore HoundToadlingTrapdoor Spider
Boss Monsters Hooded WidowMoonmaw DragonflyMother GooseWilting Dragonfly
Neutral Animals Pied PiperRat (Pack Rat) • Snapdragon (Snap Buddy)
Passive Animals Fruit BatNymphWoodpecker
Critters Figgy
Changed Mobs Balance Changes/MobsBoss ReworksDeerclops
New Gameplay Mechanics
Balance Changes Altered BiomesCharacter RebalancesCrock PotFoodItemsMiscellaneousMobs (Boss Reworks) • Plants
Characters WinkyWathomWixie
Weather Giant Tornado • Heatwave • Snowstorm
Seasons No new seasons.
Mechanics CraftingKnockbackNight TerrorsRat RaidsVeteran's Curse
Other Console CommandsMod CompatibilitySet Pieces