Clockwork Amalgam

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Clockwork Amalgams are a new mob comprised of the abandoned clockworks found in the ruins. They are much harder than their damaged counter parts, featuring new attacks and surprises.

Automaton Abomination

Warly Portrait.png
The horse is baked to it's core.


The Automaton Abomination can be found in the ruins.

Comingled Clockwork

Wurt Portrait.png
Don't wanna be zapped by these things!


The Comingled Clockwork can be found in the ruins.

Electric-proof clothing will completely negate the damage and the stunlocking from the electric pulses.

Mechanical Monstrosity

Willow Portrait.png
You've got an ugly mug.


The Mechanical Monstrosity can be found in the ruins.

Using electric-proof clothing only halves its damage, but it still impedes the player from getting hitstunned.

Spear.png Hunting

Prototype.png Tips

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • They were all added in the Fight And Flight Update.
  • Their spawn codes are portmanteaus of what clockworks they're a combination of
    • Bight is a Bishop and a Knight.
    • Knook is a Knight and a Rook.
    • Roship is a Rook and Bishop.

Blueprint.png Gallery

Hostile Creatures AbominamoleAdult BatiliskAlpha Volt GoatAphidBush CrabClockwork AmalgamDamaged PawnDepths EelDepths ViperGlacial HoundLightning HoundMagma HoundPawn (Damaged) • Pineling (Birchling) • Shadow CreaturesScorpionSpore HoundToadlingTrapdoor Spider
Boss Monsters Hooded WidowMoonmaw DragonflyMother GooseWilting Dragonfly
Neutral Animals Pied PiperRat (Pack Rat) • Snapdragon (Snap Buddy)
Passive Animals Fruit BatNymphWoodpecker
Critters Figgy
Changed Mobs Balance Changes/MobsBoss ReworksDeerclops