Pollen Mites

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Willow Portrait.png
YES! They should burn easily!


The Pollen Mites are a hostile Mob, which spawns from Pollen Mite Dens during Spring.

It takes the form of a swarm of bugs that will endlessly chase and attach itself to some mobs or the player's character. While attached, it will decrease the player's sanity by -12.5 Sanity Meter.png per minute and deal 1 Health Meter.png damage every 1-2 seconds.

When attached to a player or mob, the Mites aren't a status effect, but are an actual entity that is flying around the player. They can be hit by any weapon or tool, but electric attacks are 1.55x more effective against them. Not only that, but any source of fire damage, like Torches, Fire Staffs or the Slobber Lobber, will instantly kill them, making them explode and instantly spread the fire to any nearby mobs, objects and players.

After existing for some minutes, attached to something or not, the Pollen Mites will automatically die.

Despite looking exactly like the Gnat Swarm from Hamlet, they have some core differences between them:

  • Freezing them and then attacking won't instantly kill them.
  • They don't spawn their own Dens/Mounds, instead, the Dens themselves multiply.
  • They will detach from the player after it dies and won't follow them after resurrecting.
  • They aren't attract to light sources.

They cannot be put to sleep, and will be frozen with a single shot of an Ice Staff. They will also start to smolder when close to fire and receive 475 Health Meter.png damage per second while burning.

Pollen Mites are part of the Hay Fever Hitters, and will have a chance to make the player sneeze every time it attacks them during spring.

Prototype.png Tips

  • Despite freezing not making them vulnerable, you can still do it with an Ice Staff to make them detach from you.
  • Since their Dens are flammable, you can bring an attached Pollen Mite close to one or even multiple Dens and kill the Mites with a torch, which will also spread the fire and burn their Dens.
  • Since Pollen Mites are considered Insects, they receive even more damage from from the Bug Zapper, which is also an electric weapon, making it deal 126 Health Meter.png damage on hit, and getting even higher if the Pollen Mites are wet, reaching a total of 150 Health Meter.png damage.
Hostile Creatures AbominamoleAdult BatiliskAlpha Volt GoatAphidBush CrabClockwork AmalgamDamaged PawnDepths EelDepths ViperGlacial HoundLightning HoundMagma HoundPawn (Damaged) • Pineling (Birchling) • Shadow CreaturesScorpionSpore HoundToadlingTrapdoor Spider
Boss Monsters Hooded WidowMoonmaw DragonflyMother GooseWilting Dragonfly
Neutral Animals Pied PiperRat (Pack Rat) • Snapdragon (Snap Buddy)
Passive Animals Fruit BatNymphWoodpecker
Critters Figgy
Changed Mobs Balance Changes/MobsBoss ReworksDeerclops