Boss Reworks

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Rat Totem Short.png This article is incomplete because of the evil raid sent by the Rat King...
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Glommer.png See also: Bosses

Bosses get a massive makeover in the Uncompromising Mode each being buffed in different unique ways.

Most bosses are made more difficult but some get quality of life changes that interact with new mechanics in some way. As well as getting new drops that can only be received if that player has touched the Melancholic Skull to receive the Veterans Curse.

Most bosses will now attempt to stay away from each other, to remove cheesing methods.

Most bosses now have configurations to lower or increase their health, this is mostly for people playing alone or those who want an extra challenge/are in a big group.

Almost every single boss drop is unchanged, unnecessary drops aren't included, and if an item drop is changed or added it is specified.

Ancient Guardian

Wathom Portrait.png
Your belongings, I require.


Ancient Guardian now uses the power of Them to aid him in combat. He now uses his jump early on the fight, gains new attacks at Phase 2 and some new mechanics to fix possible behaviours.

  • Ancient Guardian now jumps at Phase 1.
  • At Phase 2, Ancient Guardian will vomit shadowy blobs. Each blob deals 10 damage and when they land, they will have a chance to turn into Shadow Tentacles.
  • At Phase 2, Ancient Guardian will jump 5 times in a row, up from 1.
  • When below 3.000 Health Meter.png, Ancient Guardian will vomit a Shadow Heart as well. It has 1 Health Meter.png, but has a shield protecting it from attacks. While the Shadow Heart is not destroyed, Ancient Guardian will be invunerable to damage.
    • Ancient Guardian can charge into the Shadow Heart to destroy it's shield immediately and stun himself, similar to when he charges at other debris.
    • Ancient Guardian can jump on the Shadow Heart to destroy it's shield immediately.
    • Shadow Heart's shield will passively deplet after 20 seconds, if not manually destroyed.
  • If lured away from his arena, Ancient Guardian will jump right back to the middle of it.

Ancient Guardian has two new drops, which are the Gore Horn and the Blueprint for Skull Chest.


Wathom Portrait.png
Destabilizer, tectonics.


Icon Science.pngMain Changes

  • Antlion rage will spawn ripples if the player is on a boat.

Feather Pencil.png Credits


Winky Portrait.png
Time to SQUEAK! Get away!!


Bearger has a new found love of messing up the terrain! He can now throw a volley of rocks at the player which deal damage in an AoE, and a slam attack which creates a line of sinkholes that can damage you multiple times, and destroy structures. The sinkholes quickly vanish however.

Also has a new drop, the Bearger Claw, a Veteran's Curse Item that allows you to fling rocks, and acts as an infinite shovel.

Icon Science.pngMain Changes

  • Main attack has Knockback.
  • Tosses a volley of rocks near the player
  • The Ground Pound creates temporary Antlion sinkholes


  • Bearger has insane destructive capabilities so keep him away from anything you don't want to get destroyed.
  • Due to the Knockback, tanking Bearger is no longer possible without a way to prevent it.

Feather Pencil.png Credits

Bee Queen

Pale Vomit.png The article contains outdated and inaccurate information. You may want to help improve the content by adding updated information.

Wixie Portrait.png
Try fighting me one on one!


Bee Queen is heavily reworked.

Drops are untouched.

Icon Science.pngMain Changes

  • A lot changed. Check this video:

Time Stamp: 7:19-10:44 (Frist Attempt and 11:46-19:49 (Succesful Attempt)


  • Tip: You should expand this page. It's easy, just edit it, I will be thankful and happy.  : )

Feather Pencil.png Credits

Crab King

Rat Totem Short.png This article is incomplete because of the evil raid sent by the Rat King...
Please help to improve the article, or discuss the issue with the community on the discussion section.

Wixie Portrait.png
He's snapped!


Crab King has been completely overhauled. Both to make the fight less frustrating, and to make better use of sailing mechanics and items.

Icon Science.pngMain Changes

  • Cannons are now highly effective against Crab King. Both he and his Imposing Claws will take increased damage from cannonballs. And being hit by a cannonball will interrupt his healing phase.
  • Boats can now deal damage to crab king by ramming into him. This damage is based on speed, and can very easily reach into the thousands. Ramming Crab King with a boat will interrupt his healing phase and spawn a ring of waves to push the player away.
  • Geyser Attack now creates several lines of geysers that intersect beneath nearby boats. This no longer creates leaks, and can damage players they come in contact with.
  • Freeze attack is now only performed after Crab King himself is frozen.
  • Imposing Claws will now damage Crab King when destroyed. This damage is equivalent to the max HP of the claw, capping out at 800 with 11 Green Gems. In addition, boat bumpers will now protect the boat they are attached too from being damaged by the Imposing Claws until they themselves are destroyed.
  • Healing can now be interrupted either by hitting Crab King with a Cannon or ramming into him with a boat.
  • The Celestial Tribute will now always drop from Crab King regardless of whether or not Pearl's Pearl was used. Though Pearl must still be at max friendship in order to awaken the dormant conch.


  • Bumpers can be used to ram into the Crab King without causing any leaks.
  • Crude Cannonballs are cheaper than their contemporary counterparts, but just as effective at dealing with imposing claws.
  • The Captain's Tricorn can be worn to reduce the damage your boat takes from Crab King's attacks.
  • The best gems to use against Crab King are Blue Gems, due to the lack of a freeze attack.

Feather Pencil.png Credits


This Boss was Moved! They have too much information about them, and needed their own page to properly explain the new abilities they have. You can find them here, Deerclops.


Glommer.png See also: Wilting Dragonfly

Wathom Portrait.png
Game, most dangerous.


For the seasonal version of this boss, check out this link: Wilting Dragonfly

Also has a new drop, the It fires a lava loogie that splits into three more which creates puddles that damage and slow whoever walks over them.

Icon Science.pngMain Changes

  • Main attack has knockback.
  • Lavae explode on death and destroy structures and walls.
  • Flies away during summer or if other Bosses are nearby.
  • No longer drops a scale from being stunned. Now drops 3 Scales on death, instead of 1.
  • She drops Slobber Lobber a Veteran's Curse item.


  • The wall strategy can still be used but requires several layers of walls.
  • It's advisable to bring an Ice Staff to deal with the Larvae as it takes 3 hits from it to freeze them.

Feather Pencil.png Credits

Eye of Terror and Twins of Terror

Winky Portrait.png
I do not like being stared at!

Winky, examining the Eye of Terror.

Wixie Portrait.png
Double the trouble!

Wixie, examining one the Twins of Terror.

Icon Science.pngMain Changes

  • The Eye of Terror can shoot a Mini Eye projectile, which will deal damage and spawn a Mini Eye Egg on hit.
  • Retinazor has a laser attack, and will fire multiple lasers in a row during phase 2.
  • Spazmatism has a Cursed Flamethrower. Cursed Fire cannot be extinguished, and will immediately deal damage to the player upon contact. Willow is not totally immune, but will take reduced damage. More fire is spewed in the second phase.
  • The Twins of Terror now scale their attack and minion spawning cooldowns based on how many players are nearby.
  • Both bosses will fly away if another Boss gets too close.

Feather Pencil.png Credits

  • Idea: ??
  • Code: ??


Wathom Portrait.png
King of Krampii!


Has a new drop, the Naught Lock, a Veteran's Curse Item that is worn in the body slot and causes two attacks in quick succession.

Icon Science.pngMain Changes

  • Full heal when enraged.

Feather Pencil.png Credits

  • Idea: ? ?
  • Code: ? ?


Glommer.png See also: Mother Goose

Wixie Portrait.png
You're a dope! ...Hey! Can you hear me up there?!


Moose/Goose Main attack does damage in an AoE and has Knockback, Moose/Goose also has a new jump attack, that deals Damage in an AoE. She enrages at half health, summoning two angry Moslings to assist her.

She will summon lighting that deals damage in an AoE, when enraged.

Also has a new drop, the Feather Frock, a Veteran's Curse Item that has a slot that accepts feathers, and has a unique effects for every feather after taking damage, or right clicking the item.

Icon Science.pngMain Changes

  • Main attack does AoE damage.
  • Main attack has Knockback.
  • Jump attack with AoE damage.
  • summons two Moslings when at half health.


  • Moose Goose is a really effective frog killer during frog rain.
  • Due to the Knockback, tanking Moose Goose is no longer possible without a way to prevent it.
  • If the player is close to Moose Goose, the leap attack can be dodged by walking towards Moose Goose instead of away.

Feather Pencil.png Credits

Spider Queen

Winky Portrait.png
Hit her many times in the head!


Indirect Changes

  • Spider.png Spider can leap like Warrior Spiders.(togglable)
  • Spider Warrior.png Spider Warriors dodge when attacked.(togglable)
  • Nurse Spider.pngNurse Spiders Has lower health and heals Webber for less, 200 health and 5 healing respectively. (Originally 400 health and 8 hp healing on Webber)


Wixie Portrait.png
Ha-ha! Look at its fat little legs!


Icon Science.pngMain Changes

  • No longer drops Shroom Skin throughout the fight, but drops 3 upon death.


  • The Goose Mask can be used to ignore damage from it's gas clouds, note that this will not stop food in the player's inventory from spoiling faster.


Wixie Portrait.png
I'll chop you like the rest, pines/leaves for brains!

Wixie, examining Treeguard/Lumpy Treeguard.

In Vanilla, once you get to know them, Treeguards become one of the least intimidating, easiest to fight bosses in the game. In the mod, however, they are a force to be reckoned with, boasting two new attacks and special traits. They no longer flinch when being hit, always walking forward, and their attacks send the players flying a large distance, knocking them down.

Every once in a while Treeguards stomp the ground producing one of two possible effects: If the are any stumps nearby, they'll be transformed into Pinelings (up to 3). If not, a wooden cage will spawn around the player, trapping them in place, unable to dodge the next attack. After a couple seconds the cage will dissapear, but it can be chopped with an axe to scape early.

Icon Science.pngMain Changes

  • Drops Leafy Meat instead of Monster Meat.
  • Main attack has Knockback.
  • New cage attack that will trap the player. Chop it with an Axe to escape.
  • Summons Pinelings if there's Stumps nearby.
  • No recoil from attacks.


  • Be sure to have an Axe available before fighting a Treeguard or you might take a pounding.

Feather Pencil.png Credits

  • Idea cage: Unknown
  • Code cage: Unknown
Hostile Creatures AbominamoleAdult BatiliskAlpha Volt GoatAphidBush CrabClockwork AmalgamDamaged PawnDepths EelDepths ViperGlacial HoundLightning HoundMagma HoundPawn (Damaged) • Pineling (Birchling) • Shadow CreaturesScorpionSpore HoundToadlingTrapdoor Spider
Boss Monsters Hooded WidowMoonmaw DragonflyMother GooseWilting Dragonfly
Neutral Animals Pied PiperRat (Pack Rat) • Snapdragon (Snap Buddy)
Passive Animals Fruit BatNymphWoodpecker
Critters Figgy
Changed Mobs Balance Changes/MobsBoss ReworksDeerclops
New Gameplay Mechanics
Balance Changes Altered BiomesCharacter RebalancesCrock PotFoodItemsMiscellaneousMobs (Boss Reworks) • Plants
Characters WinkyWathomWixie
Weather Giant TornadoHeatwaveSnowstorm
Seasons No new seasons.
Mechanics CraftingKnockbackNight TerrorsRat RaidsVeteran's Curse
Other Console CommandsMod CompatibilitySet Pieces